Monday, June 28, 2010

Cameltoe On The Beach

Romanian National Theatre Festival 2010

Dear Friends,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 20th edition of the Romanian National Theatre Festival which will take place between 30th of October and 7th of November.

In 2010, RNTF will present the third “Romanian Showcase” - a nine-day presentation of the best Romanian theatre productions of the 2009/2010 season - in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute which promotes intercultural dialogue through its network of institutes abroad by disseminating cultural information and integrating Romanian cultural values within the European and international circuit.

An exquisite selection of the best Romanian productions signed by famous Romanian directors and by new names ready to enter the international theatre scene is completed this year with a range of foreign guests – in conferences, projections, book launchings and widely acclaimed theatre productions. This November Bucharest will become the stage for a celebration: the 20th edition of the most important theatrical event in Romania. Don’t miss it!

For interested journalists who provide a contribution project (for the written and/ or audiovisual media) , the festival will provide free tickets for the productions they wish to attend, and the Romanian Cultural Institute will support the accommodation and daily meal allowance for five days at your choose.

The selection and the detailed programme will follow shortly. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. And keep a place in your agenda for a visit to Bucharest!

Best regards,

Artistic Director RNTF


Aura Gaidarji
Romanian Showcase Manager
Romanian National Theatre Festival UNITER

2-4 George Enescu Street
010305 Bucharest, Romania

Tel: 004021 3153636, Fax: 004021 3120913


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Aspertame Withdrawals


RCI in collaboration with Vienna Vienna Museumsquartier launches design contest for the 2011 film festival FRAMEOUT (animation, short films, feature films, documentaries). The festival is scheduled in the series of events dedicated to 10th anniversary of the inauguration and will be held Museumsquartier outdoors inside MQ, cultural arealuri one of the top 10 largest in the world. Preselection

Vienna will be operated by ICR and the final selection is Austrian curators.
festival and contest details are posted and projects / vienna and proposals will be submitted to the address , until June 28, 20.00, and must contain: author's synopsis and CV in English, and a trailer of at least 3 minutes ( in the case of larger files should be given a platform where they can be accessed).

Das englisch Kulturinstitut ruft Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit dem zur MuseumsQuartier Einsendung Filmfestival von Beiträgen für das auf FRAMEOUT 2011 (Kurzfilme, Animation, Spielfilme, Dokus). Das Festival ist zum Teil der 10-jährigen Veanstaltungsreihe Jubiläum des MuseumsQuartiers, eines der zehn flächenmäßig größten Kulturareale weltweit.

Die Vorauswahl trifft das RKI, die Endauswahl übernehmen die österreichischen Kuratoren.

Details zum Festival und der Teilnahme finden Sie auch unter . Eingesandte Beiträge müssen bis zum 28. Juni, 20.00 Uhr, an die Adresse geschickt werden und Folgendes beinhalten: Filmsynopsis, Lebenslauf des/ der AutorInnen in Englisch und einen mindestens 3-minütigen Trailer (je nach Dateigröße evtl. durch einschlägige Webdienste)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Victoria's Secret Bras For Small Breasts

WorldMUN in Singapore: STILL AVAILABLE!

Studis love!

As every winter semester, is also coming in the seminar on the Harvard World Model United Nations. In the seminar you will
on the simulation of the United Nations prepared and then flies in March 2011 conference in Singapore!

If you are interested, then come on 23.06.2010 (st) at 12am in room 106 for event info. Should you have any questions in advance, you might wife Schneiker disposal.

We wish you a lot of fun.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Electric Box Level 19 Spoiler

internship event

On 23.06. of about 14-16 Clock Infomationsveranstaltung about we organize a placement in space 405.

fellow students talk about their internships in various areas and during the experience. Of course, we will introduce briefly the formalities and you may perforate and us with questions!

This event is open to all students (feet) BA.

can be used to wonder to the ASP if necessary.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dark Violet And Red Hair

For the coming winter semester, we are looking for dedicated Studis that we want in the organization and implementation of help ErSi week! We look forward to seeing many of you there