Ein Weihnachten des Abschieds' und des Wiedersehens ... The last weeks and days have shown in a completely changed picture ... there was for the most part, one for this location eerie silence in the corridor * G *
The lectures and seminars coming to an end and how it made students like to wait, halt all but the last imprint of everything to finish and learn
times ;-) (is' yes no big secret right?)
Sun Kam, all on 10 December Is your project in "Doing Business in Russia" had to submit - are approximately two people developed a form of market entry strategy and evaluated the market and the opportunities and risks for the chosen product. On the weekend before it was quiet and in the night from Sunday to Monday, it was deserted ... * G *
drove Following the successful delivery of this papers we Mädls (Silvia - Germany, Rita, Gabi and me) at the International Winter Bazaar, who had all sorts of diplomatic missions
countries were organized. Sun gabs views nen 'culinary trip to India, Pakistan, USA (hihihi ),... It offered many traditional and modern things. The sale of the items was as far as we have understood things correctly connected to a donation agreement. The Ösi representative disappointed us a bit - but umbrellas are so the net or hit? The absolute, the Swiss ace up its sleeve - due to their chocolate offerings were the besieged ... yes there's no net ... :-)
By then later in the week, not quite in the silence could bear, we went on Thursday to propaganda. The next morning we were awakened by the sad news. Gabi's grandmother had died suddenly.
A sincere condolences at this point to the entire family Ambros ... To take leave to correct, Gabi was therefore on Sunday for home. And by most net is a bad thing alone, she was at the airport just before flight, or the wallet with credit card, ATM card, mobile phone SIM card and 1000 rub. stolen. She came to happiness, but otherwise good home and is doing better. The cost for the flight home will be borne by the travel insurance and the cards are again in Gabi's hands.
Nachdem Gabi am Sonntag heimflog, besuchte ich mit den österr. Mädls Rita und Christl den Ismajilovski Souvenir Markt - der is sooooo rießig und es gibt soooo viele schöne Sachen dort, sodass ich gar nicht wusste was ich eigentlich kaufen soll. Obwohl ich kein so großer Fan dieser russischen Püppchen (матрёшка - dt. Matroschka) bin, weil sie für mich wieder mehr zur Kategorie "netter Staubfänger" gehören, fanden sich dort einige soooo schön bemalte Exemplare, dass ich mir wohl doch nochmal überlegen muss, ob nicht vielleicht doch eine im Koffer Platz haben könnte ;-)
Die darauf folgende Woche war von Prüfungen gekennzeichnet. In the kitchen were the first time people with documents and laptop, who exchanged their knowledge and time, and tried in a very short time - so good containing possible - prepare.
me for Tuesday was then the most stressful day I've ever experienced here. " Around noon time we went to the Russian-exam, then-Defense Project was announced. After I had the paper accepted by me and Gabi successful, it was still fast farewell gift to the Russian organizing Prof's. Since we actually thought we would the ladies to take the test again, we were a little off guard was in terms of "goodbye" and the day is more crowded than it already has. Quickly printed a commemorative photograph, flowers kaufen und zurück in die Uni. Gott-sei-dank war das Glück dann auf unsrer' Seite und wir konnten unsre russ. Prof. noch am Eingang abfangen und ihr die Geschenke überreichen. Danach gings auch schon zur nächsten Prüfung - Brand Management stand auf meinem Plan. Gegen 21h abends war ich dann im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes FERTIG *G*. Das erste Mal setzen und Essen genießen an dem Tag. - Schön war des' ;-)
Indem am nächsten Tag dann Spanisch angesagt war und mein Wissen schon sehr eingerostet ist, hieß es die Nacht nutzen und Vokabel pauken. Während die ersten schon in Feierstimmung waren weil ihre Prüfungen vorbei waren, versuchte ich mich zu konzentriern - echt nicht leicht!! *G* ... Die Prüfung was then quickly passed and everything went well. From one to another, we went to the next paper in defense Trade Marketing ... and then finally said: "It is finished" * G * - The exams are over and the semester has passed, according to current situation is good and successful.
order again to get some distance from the learning stuff (* g *) we went on Thursday to
mausoleum. Having the cumbersome procedure with "what can and can not do because mitrein behind us had (to all the times you want Lenin also visit: bag should give you, camera and mobile phone are also not allowed!) We marched to the Kremelmauer, the graves of famous Communists wie Stalin, Breschnew und Andropow, sowie an den Gräbern des ersten Mann im All - Juri Gagarin - und des Schriftstellers Maxim Gorki vorbei. Indem hier aber nicht nur Russen begraben wurden fand sich dort auch der Amerikaner John Reed, der das Werk "Zehn Tage, die die Welt erschütterten" (Buch über die Oktoberrevolution) verfasst hatte. Lenin selbst wird streng bewacht. In einer Linie angestellt darf man eine Runde um ihn gehen - stehen bleiben empfiehlt sich nicht. Lenin wurde nach seinem Tod 1924 für die Nachwelt konserviert - obwohl es nicht in seinem Sinn gewesen wäre. An der Konservierung arbeitet anscheinend ein ganzes Labor, das ihn regelmäßig nachbehandelt. Gerüchte, dass man Teile seines Körpers durch Wachs ersetzt hat, werden heftig bestritten. Am besten selbst ein Bild davon machen ;-) - Der Besuch ist soweit gratis - einzig für das Hinterlegen aller Gegenstände die nicht mit rein dürfen, ist zu zahlen.
Indem die St Basilius Kathedrale sich auch gleich anbot (steht ja so gut wie gleich daneben *G*) und ich bisher dieses berühmte Gebäude nur von außen gesehen hab - ging's dieses Mal rein.
Gebaut wurde die Kathedrale im Auftrag von Iwan IV (Iwan der Schreckliche). Der Legende nach wurde der Architekt Jakowlew nach Vollendung des Baus (ca. 1561) gefragt, ob er in der Lage wäre, nochmals eine so schöne Kathedrale zu bauen. Als er antwortete, er könne eine noch viel schönere Kathedrale errichten, ließ outdo him, the Tsar his eyes, lest he might build something else of comparable beauty. The cathedral - know how sure many of you (there are really so many pictures of it anyway), nine main domes, which are different in appearance and color. The cathedral itself is built entirely of red bricks. Originally, the whole cathedral was white and all domes coated with gold leaf. While many renovations in the 16th and 17th century but the cathedral was designed and over again.
about the trip: From the outside, impressive ... from the inside but disappointing - the visit is not really. The murals are extremely cheesy - a third of the Cathedral is currently ne 'type site or something else and there's a lot of net other than a souvenir shop after another! - Better the time for something else to use as a coffee in the GUM ;-) - A department store with an area of 75,000 m² and an estimated 30,000 visitors a day is worth seeing .... The admission may be, however, the saving in the St. Basil Cathedral is already strutting for a drink ;-)
Thursday evening we went to a restaurant - - even if the deals are there more for thick wallet * G * small Christmas party * G * - but actually more of a farewell dinner, for all the good times, unfortunately tends to an end and the semester to a close ... :-( Louis (French) hatte sich darum angenommen einen Tisch für 30. Leute aus dem Dormitory zu reservieren. Indem die russische Bedienung leider meist nicht für eine so große Anzahl an Personen gewappnet ist, wurde der Abend ein sehr spannender *G*. Das Essen war echt gut - es war halt nur eine Frage der Zeit bis man etwas bekam. *g* -> eine anspruchsvolle Geduldprobe pur für einige hugrige Münder ;-)
Das letzte Essen wurde ca. 3h nach Bestellung serviert. In diesen 3h waren schon viele Flaschen Wodka, viele Liter Bier und einige Flaschen Sekt geflossen. Die Stimmung war gut - bis auf das Chaos beim Zahlen. Indem es in Russland nicht möglich ist, dass Personen die auf einem Tisch sitzen getrennt zahlen, sondern immer nur eine Account is created, was the confusion already almost inevitable.
Some left the place after about 2 hours waiting and switched to McDonalds in order to enjoy a burger to come. Those who were left then unfortunately had to stop to pay for the difference, giving the evening came a little bitter aftertaste. In connection to the food we went to a part of the troops home, for others into propaganda.
completed on Friday a few more the very last run and then we said goodbye, because the first left us. It's an incredibly weird feeling when you people will walk out the door looks, loaded with their things and you know ... This evening is also no longer be on the way ... It is already growing along with the months and then it goes so fast ... luckily, there remain so many ways to contact and who knows ... many ways to aid afford 'to Rome - why should they not also to meet again' cause?
Saturday night was once again launched a cozy little round, to say goodbye to Viki and Sandra. By Gabi last night came back, and this time she was with it.
how to clear the rooms and a small core of his remains to get used to on Christmas and making plans of what we could do then. * G * From our
deshournajas gabs NEN small Christmas tree in the common room (see photo) and new furniture - in the common room at last comfortable chairs! Juhuuu! and for Rooms With 'new beds, new tables, ... - A nice timing ;-)
Well ... and with me and Gabi is now receiving visitors in take-on program * G * - Gabi's cousin has been with friends in the city. Her parents follow tomorrow (Sunday) and my family, I'll 27 December after a long time but once again allowed to press.
begins the final month of our stay ... and we are excited to see what he still does * G *
you at home we do MERRY CHRISTMAS! Wonderful festival, great atmosphere nice gifts and socialize!
Веселое рождество!