das Wochenende nach the return of Petersburg (19-21) was a quiet and relaxed, and on Friday (19.10) we went to the theater where we were dancing and singing of the traditional variety - was considered very amusing, but unfortunately no cure for fatigue is why some even during the idea began to rest * * G, others were equally captivated by the dedication and clapped violently - the whole range of enthusiasm was so wiedermal represented;
Saturday we said our cold to the fight and stayed with our drinks at home. Gathered in front of the laptop so far arranged for motion were explored; slept well then there was Sunday again NEN 'culinary trip to Austria. Apple strudel in Mini-Tascherl-Format und Kartoffelkäse standen am Programm. Wie üblich erfreute vor allem ersteres viele Herzen auf unsrer Etage weshalb unser Plan vom Frühstück für die nächsten Tage prompt ins Wasser fiel.
Mit unsrem Glück hatte eine unsrer Russisch-Professorinnen gute Connections (der Freund ihres Bruders stellte dort aus) und wir bekamen sogar Einladungen zur Fashionshow.
was on Friday, of course patriotic pride in the foreground. The invitation to the Austrian Embassy following we set out to finish at 18h with Austrians gathered to celebrate the National Day worthy. Unfortunately, we had slept here that the celebration had already started at 18h and were therefore too late to address and anthem. Nevertheless, adapted well to the social Celebrations, we enjoyed finger food in a class (escalope in miniature, vegetable sticks with cottage cheese, cheese spread with mini baking bread, cakes, Austrian wine and beer ,...) contacts were made and maintained. At 21h, we were invited to the exit and the celebration continued. With live music in the Irish Pup of the evening still good, before we fell into bed to be fit for Saturday again, for logistics stand in the program.
It was expected that lecture from week 10 to week 17 to take place, but was unceremoniously placed in the middle of the first half of the semester and as part of a block course dealt with quickly. Thus we were able to enjoy an intensive week of logistics, because on Saturday gabs already written exam and today's final presentation. With a good feeling about the cunning examination [:-))] we dare to say then is our first 3 ECTS successfully in your pocket! Jupiduuuuu!!
again back to the Weekend:
As we had already started the weekend with the first outing on Thursday evening and before last weekend were so good, we had this Saturday just get out again. Like almost everywhere is of course in Moscow just celebrated Halloween with numerous parties, but with a difference: While originally and traditionally in costumes such as fairies, bats, ghosts, witches, pumpkins, skeletons, vampires and the like, throws to dress the москвичи (Moscow) rather than pirates, angels, nurses, police officers (as if there were not enough of them!), ... etc -> short, the Moscow-Halloween is more of a "carnival" - at least according to our view * G * The bottom line is no matter but again - finally there is indeed just a matter of just having one more reason to celebrate, right? ;-)
Well, of course, and was adapted here by the time of the coming winter, we had this weekend to exploit even an hour more time to complete the club atmosphere. ;-) On
order by the beautiful weather Sunday to benefit then we went a walk in the park Kolomenskoje bissal and then our weekend was a scho over again ...
FYI - The Kolomenskoye Park in the 16th Century the most popular summer residence of the Tsars. Peter the Great spent his childhood and now there is an architectural museum. On the picture you can see the Ascension Church - the first stone tent roof church in Russia.
... otherwise stand now grad tests at us so everything goes a bit quiet * G *
our Russian colleagues are luckily very helpful - even when it's often tough with them in the lectures, the principle's are really nice people (at least many of them) For
our name will be something now but also work ... hurts indeed something but we'll survive ;-)
if the latest reports from Moscow
Добрый вечер and Пока
betty and gabi