So, before really starts with the trip report ever on one of the best trips yet to produce a supplement to the things about which we reported yet:
on Friday - 09.11 we went ind 'Vokabar - is a small but fine ;-)
Bar on Sunday we visited - again ne Mädlsrunde (Gabi, Rita, Chris, Viki and I) Lenin's estate - located about 32km south of Moscow - there had the great revolutionary's last years of his life - to see gabs in the huge estate near the large park and some statues still his library, his dining / Abeits and the bedroom (which he, his sister and his wife - of course all in one's own is how it is ghört for that time), in the mourning room ne death mask (imprint of his hands and
so and now the last Events:
On Wed evening - went off at about 22h-Sanin and Christiane (Wu'ler), Rasmus and Sune (two Danes) and Gabi and me: the train we went on to Kazan in Tatarstan - remove a town about 750 km from Moscow, after 13h train ride, which was accompanied by the loudest snoring sounds good, we arrived and we went to MacDonald's time to brush your teeth, to change clothes and make us fresh and to strengthen, then the luggage was stowed and we went for sight-seeing:
- Kremlin - ne free guide got in there to-find "Kul Sharif mosque and were invited to come back ;-)
National Museum of Tatarstan
Peter-Paul Cathedral
- University - studied here known personalities such as Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (better known as Lenin ;-)) - but finished second de-registered because of its revolutionary activities during his student days
Then it was dinner and back to the train - more 9am we reached Nizhny Novgorod - the city until 1990 closed to foreigners since the city was devoted to include the arms production; furthermore been in this city many dissidents and critics of the Russian system, u.a. der Physiker und Nobelpreisträger Andrej Sacharow "verbannt"; 1932 war die Stadt nach dem dort geborenen Schriftsteller Maxim Gorkij (gegen dessen Willen) in Gorkij umbenannt; Indem wir mal genug hatten vom Zuggerüttel das die Nachtruhe doch etwas störte, gings auf Hotelsuche - hatten ja rein gar nichts im Voraus gebucht/ geplant sondern nahmen alles wies halt kam - beim ersten Hotel, in das wir wortwörtlich "reinschneiten" (Schnee begleitete uns einfach durch und durch) war das Personal doch etwas überrascht - und folglich gabs kein Zimmer für uns; total durchfroren trafen wir dann vorm nächsten Kreml *G* auf einen alten Mann der früher ein bedeutender Offizier im Militär war und jetzt in his retirement still many important positions in the judiciary and the like takes, this was kind to us every 6 to squeeze inside in his car (no idea how it went with all the luggage ;-)) and to drive us to the next hotel - there gabs room for us, the quality was not fantastic but it felt good to shower again, Refreshed, we went back to the Sight-seeing:
- Kremlin - Panzer exhibition (see photo), churches, eternal fire, views over the city
- nice long passage with many figures - that was soooo sweet and beautiful - only way to spice up this still would have been the sale of mulled wine / punch / etc there ;-)
- restaurant by its own beer was brewed
- Spaziergang zur Demetrius Kathedrale von der keiner wirklich weiß wann sie gebaut worden war und die anscheinend viel Mystisches hat (wir merkten net allzu viel davon - aber es war dennoch nett mit ihr Bekanntschaft zu machen)
- Mariä-Himmelfahrts-Kathedrale wo die Großfürsten gekrönt worden waren (manche von denen sind sogar noch in der Kathedrale - in einem mit Glas ausgestatteten Coffin they can be - now containing nimma in full bloom is because time has already left its mark - admire or even kiss - had 'the Russian visitors generally do)
Am Sonntag - der letzte Tag unsrer Tour - hatten wir dann schon etwas genug von all den Kirchen - immerhin hatten wir ja auch noch die letzte Nacht in Klostermäuern verbracht ;-) Um doch noch einiges zu sehn machten wir nen Spaziergang durch die Stadt, kauften neue warme Angorasocken und russische Schapkas, machten ne tolle Pferde-Schlittenfahrt und trafen unsre Kollegen (darunter auch da Armin), die das Wochenende in ner Datscha (Land-/Ferienhaus) had spent, with bag and baggage, we went again in the evening meal - found a great restaurant by enjoying the best recommendations of the operation, and a bottle Medowucha (drink made from honey, water and yeast) with almost the last money, the remaining Ruble 'were then even in a 4-hour bus ride home invested;
Summary: 5% Planning (the ;-) Ticket to Kazan, 100% fun !!!!!
snowy greetings home
Betty and Gabi