Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Avital Remote Starter Not Working

BuchWien 08 / Reading Festival

22/11/2008 - Lange Nacht der Rumänischen Literature / long night of Roman literature

Friday, November 21, 2008

Reduce Stomach Pain Dua

BuchWien 08 / Reading Festival

20.11 2008

Christening Gift For A Friend's Baby

BuchWien 08 / Reading Festival


Thursday, November 20, 2008

White Secretion A Week Before Period

IVIM's explanation of the diversity of opinion

IVIM works to be agreed to normalize non-treatment inter-sexual children and adults without to terminate the agreement with the respective inter-sex person.

We reject Consensus statements from all, especially those who are without deputy, intersexed people as equal interest vertreter_innen emerged.

We seek no Einvernehmlichkeitsbekundungen, for inter-sex people differ in terms of:
  • the exact definition of intersex
  • what treatment measures for all intersexed people would fit equally
  • which gender assignments, if any, for the variety of all Intergeschlechtlichkeitsvariationen match would
  • disease definitions of our bodies and identities
IVIM is committed to the human rights of individuals are the basis of their sexual variation as intersex. We reject any attempt to all those people is the establishment, treatment and impose terms, do not correspond to their bodies to the current scale of male or female.

consensus statements presuppose that there is unanimity. But we have many different opinions!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Burts Bees For Tattoos

BuchWien 08 / Reading Festival


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pet Teeth Cleaning, Sacramento


BUCH VIENNA 2008 - the new International Book Fair with Reading Festival is the largest literary festival, the world has ever seen in Vienna.
Monday 17.11. Sunday 23.11. is read both at the show and throughout the city (before), discussed and signed.

The Reading Festival is also concerned with the focus on South Eastern and Central Europe. About 40 events are given emphasis. to Southeast and Central Europe program

Especially we want to put your heart memotwist the competition.
memotwist is an exciting online game around the topic BOOK VIENNA reading festival. >> ENTER THE CONTEST : www.lesefestwoche.at / memotwist

All information about the Reading Festival VIENNA BOOK: event program - Weblog - competition - Newsletter - Visitor Information and much more can be found on http://www.lesefestwoche.at/

readings from Romanian authors in the BuchWien08

Austrian Society for Literature
11.17.2008, 19:00 clock
Adela Greceanu - Mireasa cu SOSET Rosiie / The bride with the red socks
It reads Joan Orsini-Rosenberg

literature headquarters
Grünangergasse 4, 1010 Vienna
19.11.2008, 19.30 clock
Ioan Grosan - O suta de ani de zile la Portile Orientului / hundred years, day after day at the gates of the East
Radu Aldulescu - Istoria Eroilor unui tinut de si verdeata racoare / Of the heroes of a landscape of green and cooling
It reads Katharina Stemberger

Fair - Forum, Atrium
Mass on Prater, 20.11.2008
Adrian Chivu - Caiet de desen / sketchbook 10.30 Clock
Ioan Manolescu - Derapaj / In the spin rate 14.45 clock
It reads Brigitta Furgler

Das Rumänische Kulturinstitut, in Kooperation mit KulturKontakt Austria und BuchWien08 laden Sie herzlich ein zu einer Langen Nacht der Rumänischen Literatur, am 22.11.2008, im Rumänischen Kulturinstitut (Argentinierstr. 39, 1040 Wien)

Beginnend mit 19.00 Uhr , werden für Sie Brigitta Furgler und Hermann Schmid kurze Abschnitte aus rumänischer gegenwärtiger Literatur lesen. Literaturkritiker Mircea Vasilescu gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in das schriftstellerische Geschehen Rumäniens vor und nach der Wende. Dr. Gabriel Kohn (Universität Temeswar, Department of Romance Vienna provides) as moderator for interesting panel discussions with the attending authors. The whole team takes the RKI Wien loose communicating with the Romanian guests after the readings and panel discussions. The book table is covered by cultural contact, Zsolnay, Drava, residence and Wieser Verlag! Sarmas wine and bring us into the night ...

Nicolaie Ioana - O pasar pe sarma / Bird on a Wire
Stefan Agopian - Fric
Horia Ursu - Asediul Vienei / The Siege of Vienna
Radu Tuculescu - Cuptorul microunde cu / The microwave oven
Vintila Corbul - Caderea Constantinopolului / Siege of Constantinople
Vlad Musatescu - Extravagantul Canon Doi / Al Canon of the Second

read it and Brigitta Furgler Hermann Schmid