From Friday, 10/09/2009 is the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna will host the project START VIENNA. "START" is one of the largest and most ambitious projects to promote the careers of gifted immigrant children. The program's objective is to enable as many students ausländischstämmiger home with a higher education degree, which enables them to take up studies.
START is an educational initiative established in 2002, the nonprofit
Hertie-Stiftung of Germany. Thanks to the commitment of the Crespo Foundation, she is at home with START VIENNA, since 2007, in Austria. The Foundation takes over Crespo not only the costs for individual grants in Vienna, but to finance the overall implementation of the program in hopes of winning another supporter in Austria and to establish the project sustainable. The Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture of Austria and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce are the two key Austrian partner.
Funding young people with immigrant backgrounds who have distinguished themselves through their personality, good school performance and social commitment.
START and START VIENNA share the central theme of migration as an opportunity to understand cultural diversity and dynamism of a society.
teacher at the film school Koschka Hetzer Molden, eine der herausragendsten Persönlichkeiten in der österreichischen Kulturpresse, der freischaffende Kameramann Stephan Mussil und der freiberufliche Journalist Daniel Roman.
Mehr Informationen unter Începând cu vineri, 09.10.2009 , ICR Viena este gazda proiectului START VIENA. »START« este unul dintre cele mai importante şi ambiţioase proiecte de sprijinire a egalităţii de şanse pentru tinerii proveniţi din familii de imigranţi. Scopul programului este accesul la educaţie superioară şi la manifestarea potenţialului creatic al tinerilor.
START este o iniţiativă educaţională a
Fundaţiei Hertie din Germania pornită în 2002. În 2007, Fundaţia Crespo a “importat” proiectul şi în Austria, unde oferă burse de studiu şi co-finanţează substanţial toate etapele programului. Cei mai importanţi parteneri austrieci sunt Ministerul Federal al Educaţiei, Artei şi Culturii şi Camera de Comerţ din Viena. Programul se adresează tinerilor din familii de imigranţi care s-au remarcat prin personalitatea lor, rezultate şcolare excelente şi angajament social deosebit.
START şi START VIENA susţin ideea imigrării ca şansă pentru diversitatea culturală şi dinamica a societăţii.
film courses are supported by Hetzer Koschka Molden, one of the most important personalities of the Austrian cultural journalism, the director of photography Daniel Stephan Musil, Roman (editor, freelance).
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