In August 2009, appeared Friz Freleng "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" as a German DVD. And "looney", this DVD is, in fact. First, a stab in the eye two things: the plastic film to the "Warner Kids" stickers and the stickers for the sticker contained three including scrapbook. Both are about as useful as the "Fox Kids" sticker on the English "Looney Tunes Golden Collection" DVDs. IT IS "not Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 4 is intended for the adult collector and may be suitable for children" on the UK cover, including the Rating PG (Parental Guidance). A contradiction in terms to say, but it one hand, the DVDs are for children and adults only in the same breath, without the children die Cartoons nicht anschauen sollen.

In etwa so zwiespältig ist die deutsche Altersfreigabe mit FSK 0 für "Der total verrückte Bugs Bunny Film". Dabei geht es nicht um die dargestellte Gewalt in den Cartoons, sondern vielmehr um das Bonus-Material, welches aus drei Warner Cartoons aus den 90er Jahren besteht. Es gibt nämlich keine deutsche Tonspur, sondern nur den Originalton mit dt. Untertiteln. FSK 0? Warner Kids? Was will Warner Bros. Deutschland damit erreichen? Englisch-Unterricht im Grundschulalter? Oder wollte man einfach nur Kosten sparen?

Beim Sticker-Album hätte man sich ein komplettes Looney Tunes-Album gewünscht, nicht bloß Advertising for the other Warner Kids DVDs (Tom & Jerry, The Little Polar Bear, Bee Movie, Laura's Star and Little Dodo). Positive stress is, however, the price of the DVD, which is just under 10 EUR more than acceptable. But already saw the new edition of the Looney Tunes DVDs as part of "Warner Kids" last year for a significant price drop. In particular, the old collection from 2003/2004 and the remaining stocks are partly offered by dealers for less than 5 EUR per wheel. Those who do not insist on Virgin, is put on the used market away usually even more favorable.

But back to the content. As was to be expected is the soundtrack to the degree of short vor Erscheinen der DVD von Super RTL gesendet wurde. Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Tilo Schmitz (Yosemite Sam) usw. Nach mittlerweile zwölf Jahren stellt sich auch hier ein gewisser Gewöhnungseffekt bei den deutschen Stimmen ein. Dennoch ist es schade, dass man nur diese eine deutsche Tonspur aufgespielt hat. Die Bonus-Cartoons "Box-Office Bunny" (1990), "From Hare To Eternity" (1996) und "Pullet Surprise" (1996) haben natürlich nicht den Flair der 40er bis 60er Jahre, sind aber dennoch recht witzig und unterhaltsam. Wer hätte beispielsweise gedacht, dass Yosemite Sam singen kann?

Günstiger Preis, dem leider auch die erbrachte Benefit is equal. Completely unclear is the target audience. For Warner Kids "and FSK 0, there would have been heard to let synchronize the bonus cartoons. Especially of the "Box-Office Bunny" indeed exists a German sound version with Sven Plate and Gerald Schaale (see You Tube: "Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes - Box-Office Bunny"), which was broadcast by cable 1. But if OmU (original with subtitles), then the old Bugs Bunny fans have certainly got an additional sound track of "The Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" with Gerd Vespermann in the role of the popular rabbit.

(Pictures from "Box Office Bunny" in German at lead 1)

Since 14 August 2009 it is the official DVD "The Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie). The tone is consistent with the first took place shortly before re-transmission of Super RTL. Ie Sven Plate on Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc. Gerald Schaale on Hardly anyone knows, however, that it is also a version with Gerd Vespermann. This sent the ZDF for Christmas 1993rd

The old soundtrack would of course a brilliant bonus for the upcoming DVD release had. By processing in Hamburg is the speaker ensemble and large the same as in "Daffy Ducks Fantastic Voyage" and "Bugs Bunny Tales of 1001 Nights." The person responsible Storeck Eberhard took over the role of Porky Pig, Andreas von der Meden Daffy Duck is the best and Wolfgang Draeger heard as Sylvester. Entirely new is Schütter Friedrich (known as Lorne Greene in "Bonanza"), which revives the trigger-Yosemite Sam with a sonorous voice of life.

The film contains the following cartoons and clips:
Hare Trimmed
Devil's Feud Cake
Roman-Legion Hare
Sahara Hare
Wild and Wooly Hare
The Unmentionables
Golden Yeggs
Catty Cornered
Three Little Bops
Birds Anonymous
High Diving Hare
Show Biz Bugs
Am Anfang, während des Film-Intros, sieht man außerdem kurze Ausschnitte aus:
Little Red Rodent Hood, Speedy Gonzales, und A Pizza Tweety Pie.
Durch den Einsatz von Friedrich Schütter als Yosemite Sam gibt es somit also bereits vier bekannte deutsche Versionen von "High Diving Hare": Gerd Vespermann/Walter Reichelt, Gudo Hoegel/Walter Reichelt, Gerd Vespermann/Friedrich Schütter und Sven Plate/Tilo Schmitz. Da fragt man sich, ob und wo ending ever.
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