Saturday, January 12, 2008

What Cells Do The Black Plague Affect

Der Countdown hat begonnen...

so folks you started on preparing ... our remaining days here in Moscow are countable almost at the hands ... ;-) Soon we are back!

The new year has started well for us - new furniture and a nice visit from Austria - what more could you want?

well well ... it may as well be a little warmer - and it is fun times in the Ö3 horn to it at home already minus 6 degrees and has pretty cold - hihi - gave us quite amused i must say ... if we here at times walking around minus 18 ° and the wind is blowing as if it were the last day ever ;-) This is good on this cold, the sky is clear as ever - really nice sunny days were now in the process - a clear blue sky - soooo nice ...

On Thursday we went to the 'Swiss Hotel. The floor is 33/34 ne 'Bar gennant Skybar - the prices are really violent, but there the prospect of all excuses - see for yourself:

By the cold we are not just motivated much running around outdoors werden jetzt Museumsbesuche immer häufiger - gestern gings bei mir in die alte Tretjakow Galerie - eine Galerie mit mehr als 100.000 Ausstellungsstücken russischer Künstler - alle aus der Zeit 11. bis 20 Jahrhundert. Die Bilder waren echt toll und die Zeit lief mir förmlich davon - um 19:30 wurde ich dann nach fast 4 Stunden in dem Museum rausgeschmissen - die Ikonensammlung in den unteren Stockwerken ging sich daher nicht mehr aus :-(

Für einen Studenten bietet die Stadt echt viel - in den meisten Museen zahlt man keinen oder echt nur geringen Eintritt und für das Ballett gibts' Studentenkarten um 20 Rubel!! - also geschenkt ;-)

Um das Angebot dann auch auszuschöpfen gings daher On Wednesday the same time to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. Tight socks and countless spins ... time passed sooooo incredibly fast ... - Here are some impressions:

Well what else? - Armin is on a trans-Siberian railway tracks on the way and let us know that he has well and Gabi and I have decided to start the last trip on Monday - Objective: Kiev! 3 days are already planned and train tickets in our pockets - juhuuu!

far as the situation in Russia ;-)

kisses betty


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