look back at our Christmas away from home:
By us had already left many of our colleagues, about 15 people were here to experience a Christmas with a difference. The whole day was occupied on the kitchen to conjure up a delicious dinner. The result could be proud indeed.
In the days that we, one by one to others who kicked out the room for the new furniture moved in * G *
By just Gabi's parents were there we went so indicated on Sight-Seeing Tour ... On 27
December I was able to take my family to receive them in four days as best we could, "the Russian way of living" get a little closer. Kremlin, Red Square, the Armoury, Old Arbat Street, University, Sparrow Hills, Mausoleum, Museum des großen vaterländischen Krieges, Christi-Erlöser Kathedrale und und und ... - ein hartes Programm, das aber mit Bravour und Begeisterung erfüllt wurde. Obwohl die Zeit sehr begrenzt war glauben wir, dass wir unsren Lieben viel zeigen und ihr Interesse für diese unbeschreiblich interessante Kultur wecken konnten. Wir hoffen die Tage in Moskau bleiben ihnen immer in guter Erinnerung! ;-)
Nach dem Abschied hieß es erstmal orientieren - Silvester feiern war angesagt. Indem wir keine Karten für einen Klub gekauft hatten (manche warn für ca. 60€ zu haben), waren wir zu Beginn etwas ratlos. Ein Anruf erhellte unsre Planlosigkeit und schon stand ein tolles Abendessen (Gemüselasagne) with two Austrians, a South Tyrolean and four Dutchmen in the program. Again it in the enjoyment of an exquisite meal, the atmosphere was cozy and the vodka cold. Against 23h stated dress warmly and off we went for about 9 people in the direction of Gorky Park just in time (according to Russian conditions - as most of fireworks went off at 00:15 ;-)) we had from the large bridge of a super overview welcomed the many colorful spark to the new year. Many Russians were summarily with the cars on the street, got out and so was very busy on the bridge. С новым годом it was said by all sides and the good mood was contagious. After the long walk in the cold, went back home where the guards also welcomed the new year. With a kiss on the hand and a cheery "c новым годом" we braved the cold with mulled wine and dancing mood. There were also busy with our dejour najas celebrations we had our floor all to ourselves * G * So we started the new year in a pleasant way!
We hope you are all at home also had a great start! For the new, we wish you all the best - may your dreams do the best to meet your health and may give you the option of life and all to experience its sides with a good breeze of humor and high spirits!
betty & gabi
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