PRESSEMITTEILUNG: OII gratuliert Christiane Völling
6. Februar 2008
Internationale Vereinigung Intersexueller (OII)
This verdict confirms the official position of OII on medical treatment and underlines the fact that the treatment of intersex children should be checked to ensure not only their physical integrity, but also regarding the non-transferable right of child to choose the sex, which appears to be appropriate to the child himself.
The current medical protocols recommend surgical operations and / or hormone treatments, which often do not easily reversed, the child as early as possible to assign a sex without is held with the affected individual consultation.
Society, law and medicine have the human rights of intersex children to respect and to achieve the changes are necessary to reflect the biological facts. Not all people are born male or female and some people accept their early sex assignment do not accept others turn neither male nor female allocation, which they see as a violation of their human rights.
Christiane Völlings process emphasizes the serious problem that there are only two officially approved sexes, and we note that this verdict is based on the concept that Chris Völling "essentially a woman" because of their XX chromosomes und ihrer inneren Anatomie. Wir haben den Eindruck, wäre Christiane Völling mit dem Swyer Syndrom und XY-Chromosomen geboren worden hätte der Richter in dem Fall einer Entfernung der Gebärmutter nicht zu ihren Gunsten geurteilt. Die willkürlichen Definitionen des Geschlechtes einer Person, basierend auf biologischen und anatomischen Merkmalen, sind nicht förderlich für die Menschenrechte von Intersexuellen und leider beenden alle diese willkürlichen und vagen Definitionen, die vom Richter in seinem Urteilsspruch zitiert werden, auch die operativen Zuweisungen ohne "Informed Consent" nicht. OII ist der Meinung, daß dieser Fall nicht eine Debatte über die medizinischen oder gesetzlichen Merkmale should be the sex of a person and how that person fits into these categories, however, the focus should be placed and on the physical and psychological integrity of Indivduums on the right of all individuals in their physical and mental integrity, not through social, medical and legal interventions to be harmed.
We appreciate the courage of Christiane and her willingness to defend herself with such dignity and we wish her a long and happy life. We hope this case helps to heal the wounds that had to suffer so many intersex people worldwide and that the company generally place for us and treated us with forms of human dignity, which they granted to most other people.
Curtis E. Hinkle
Founder, OII (International Organisation Intersex)
E-mail: @ curtis.hinkle