Professional Board seeks new members and invites you to attend the meetings no longer a
It's that time again!
The new semester started, and thus the meetings of the Professional Board.
We meet every Wednesday at 18h in Schneider mountain in our Professional Board Room. To be found on the left side of the building in the 5th Floor.
We always welcome new members and visitors. You are herzlich eingeladen bereits zur kommenden Sitzung (03.11.2010) mal hereinzuschauen. Ihr könnt euch ein Bild davon machen, was wir so tun und was unsere Pläne für das Semester sind!
Wir wünschen Euch eine schöne Woche.
Eurer Fachrat Politik
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Play Pokemon Red Version Online High Speed
long ...
... und euer aufregendes und abwechslungsreiches Studium am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft beginnt!
Ihr seid bei den Teamer, die euch in der ersten Woche zur Seite gestellt werden, bestens aufgehoben und bekommt aus studentischer Sicht einen guten Einblick in die Zukunft eures Studiums;)
Wenn ihr im Vorfeld bereits Fragen habt, dann schickt einfach eine Mail an den Fachrat!
... und euer aufregendes und abwechslungsreiches Studium am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft beginnt!
Ihr seid bei den Teamer, die euch in der ersten Woche zur Seite gestellt werden, bestens aufgehoben und bekommt aus studentischer Sicht einen guten Einblick in die Zukunft eures Studiums;)
Wenn ihr im Vorfeld bereits Fragen habt, dann schickt einfach eine Mail an den Fachrat!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Dishwasher White Grit
To all first year students of political science Hannover!
Der Professional Board policy also welcomes the winter semester 2010, the new students at the Institute of Political Science, all of them!
We are the student representation at the Institute and are always willing to listen to your ideas, suggestions and of course we also help with any problems arise you.
That you to your first Unitag not feel completely lost, we have planned an orientation week for you. That means it will after the main greeting in the castle, students of politics and policy students picked up and the first official event at the Institute of Political Science to be related. Following the launch event in space 410/411, you will get into groups and team leaders made page that will accompany the entire first Uniwoche over and help you with advice and assistance.
Look forward to an exciting first Uniwoche!
Your Professional Board policy
Der Professional Board policy also welcomes the winter semester 2010, the new students at the Institute of Political Science, all of them!
We are the student representation at the Institute and are always willing to listen to your ideas, suggestions and of course we also help with any problems arise you.
That you to your first Unitag not feel completely lost, we have planned an orientation week for you. That means it will after the main greeting in the castle, students of politics and policy students picked up and the first official event at the Institute of Political Science to be related. Following the launch event in space 410/411, you will get into groups and team leaders made page that will accompany the entire first Uniwoche over and help you with advice and assistance.
Look forward to an exciting first Uniwoche!
Your Professional Board policy
Monday, August 2, 2010
Women Feed Brest To Husbend Vedio
New meeting date for the winter semester is set!
love Studis,
for the winter semester of the Professional Board has a new meeting. From October, the Professional Board meets every Wednesday at 18h.
We look forward to each new member - just come to one of our meetings.
love Studis,
for the winter semester of the Professional Board has a new meeting. From October, the Professional Board meets every Wednesday at 18h.
We look forward to each new member - just come to one of our meetings.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Cameltoe On The Beach
Romanian National Theatre Festival 2010

Dear Friends,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 20th edition of the Romanian National Theatre Festival which will take place between 30th of October and 7th of November.
In 2010, RNTF will present the third “Romanian Showcase” - a nine-day presentation of the best Romanian theatre productions of the 2009/2010 season - in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute which promotes intercultural dialogue through its network of institutes abroad by disseminating cultural information and integrating Romanian cultural values within the European and international circuit.
An exquisite selection of the best Romanian productions signed by famous Romanian directors and by new names ready to enter the international theatre scene is completed this year with a range of foreign guests – in conferences, projections, book launchings and widely acclaimed theatre productions. This November Bucharest will become the stage for a celebration: the 20th edition of the most important theatrical event in Romania. Don’t miss it!
For interested journalists who provide a contribution project (for the written and/ or audiovisual media) , the festival will provide free tickets for the productions they wish to attend, and the Romanian Cultural Institute will support the accommodation and daily meal allowance for five days at your choose.
The selection and the detailed programme will follow shortly. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. And keep a place in your agenda for a visit to Bucharest!
Best regards,
Artistic Director RNTF
Aura Gaidarji
Romanian Showcase Manager
Romanian National Theatre Festival UNITER
2-4 George Enescu Street
010305 Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 004021 3153636, Fax: 004021 3120913
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 20th edition of the Romanian National Theatre Festival which will take place between 30th of October and 7th of November.
In 2010, RNTF will present the third “Romanian Showcase” - a nine-day presentation of the best Romanian theatre productions of the 2009/2010 season - in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute which promotes intercultural dialogue through its network of institutes abroad by disseminating cultural information and integrating Romanian cultural values within the European and international circuit.
An exquisite selection of the best Romanian productions signed by famous Romanian directors and by new names ready to enter the international theatre scene is completed this year with a range of foreign guests – in conferences, projections, book launchings and widely acclaimed theatre productions. This November Bucharest will become the stage for a celebration: the 20th edition of the most important theatrical event in Romania. Don’t miss it!
For interested journalists who provide a contribution project (for the written and/ or audiovisual media) , the festival will provide free tickets for the productions they wish to attend, and the Romanian Cultural Institute will support the accommodation and daily meal allowance for five days at your choose.
The selection and the detailed programme will follow shortly. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. And keep a place in your agenda for a visit to Bucharest!
Best regards,
Artistic Director RNTF
Aura Gaidarji
Romanian Showcase Manager
Romanian National Theatre Festival UNITER
2-4 George Enescu Street
010305 Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 004021 3153636, Fax: 004021 3120913
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Aspertame Withdrawals
RCI in collaboration with Vienna Vienna Museumsquartier launches design contest for the 2011 film festival FRAMEOUT (animation, short films, feature films, documentaries). The festival is scheduled in the series of events dedicated to 10th anniversary of the inauguration and will be held Museumsquartier outdoors inside MQ, cultural arealuri one of the top 10 largest in the world. Preselection
Vienna will be operated by ICR and the final selection is Austrian curators.
festival and contest details are posted and projects / vienna and proposals will be submitted to the address , until June 28, 20.00, and must contain: author's synopsis and CV in English, and a trailer of at least 3 minutes ( in the case of larger files should be given a platform where they can be accessed).
Vienna will be operated by ICR and the final selection is Austrian curators.
festival and contest details are posted and projects / vienna and proposals will be submitted to the address , until June 28, 20.00, and must contain: author's synopsis and CV in English, and a trailer of at least 3 minutes ( in the case of larger files should be given a platform where they can be accessed).
Das englisch Kulturinstitut ruft Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit dem zur MuseumsQuartier Einsendung Filmfestival von Beiträgen für das auf FRAMEOUT 2011 (Kurzfilme, Animation, Spielfilme, Dokus). Das Festival ist zum Teil der 10-jährigen Veanstaltungsreihe Jubiläum des MuseumsQuartiers, eines der zehn flächenmäßig größten Kulturareale weltweit.
Die Vorauswahl trifft das RKI, die Endauswahl übernehmen die österreichischen Kuratoren.
Details zum Festival und der Teilnahme finden Sie auch unter . Eingesandte Beiträge müssen bis zum 28. Juni, 20.00 Uhr, an die Adresse geschickt werden und Folgendes beinhalten: Filmsynopsis, Lebenslauf des/ der AutorInnen in Englisch und einen mindestens 3-minütigen Trailer (je nach Dateigröße evtl. durch einschlägige Webdienste)
Die Vorauswahl trifft das RKI, die Endauswahl übernehmen die österreichischen Kuratoren.
Details zum Festival und der Teilnahme finden Sie auch unter . Eingesandte Beiträge müssen bis zum 28. Juni, 20.00 Uhr, an die Adresse geschickt werden und Folgendes beinhalten: Filmsynopsis, Lebenslauf des/ der AutorInnen in Englisch und einen mindestens 3-minütigen Trailer (je nach Dateigröße evtl. durch einschlägige Webdienste)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Victoria's Secret Bras For Small Breasts
WorldMUN in Singapore: STILL AVAILABLE!
Studis love!
As every winter semester, is also coming in the seminar on the Harvard World Model United Nations. In the seminar you will
on the simulation of the United Nations prepared and then flies in March 2011 conference in Singapore!
If you are interested, then come on 23.06.2010 (st) at 12am in room 106 for event info. Should you have any questions in advance, you might wife Schneiker disposal.
We wish you a lot of fun.
Studis love!
As every winter semester, is also coming in the seminar on the Harvard World Model United Nations. In the seminar you will
on the simulation of the United Nations prepared and then flies in March 2011 conference in Singapore!
If you are interested, then come on 23.06.2010 (st) at 12am in room 106 for event info. Should you have any questions in advance, you might wife Schneiker disposal.
We wish you a lot of fun.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Electric Box Level 19 Spoiler
internship event
On 23.06. of about 14-16 Clock Infomationsveranstaltung about we organize a placement in space 405.
fellow students talk about their internships in various areas and during the experience. Of course, we will introduce briefly the formalities and you may perforate and us with questions!
This event is open to all students (feet) BA.
can be used to wonder to the ASP if necessary.
On 23.06. of about 14-16 Clock Infomationsveranstaltung about we organize a placement in space 405.
fellow students talk about their internships in various areas and during the experience. Of course, we will introduce briefly the formalities and you may perforate and us with questions!
This event is open to all students (feet) BA.
can be used to wonder to the ASP if necessary.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dark Violet And Red Hair
Monday, May 31, 2010
Cream Of Tartar Lose Weight
electives information event: 02.06.2010
particularly to the study start to our information event is designed to elective the Bachelor Political Science at 06/02/2010 in space V 405 in Schneiderberg 50. There are the various elective subjects such as economics, philosophy, European law, etc. presented and students who enroll in these areas already give an insight to what awaits the students and tell what you should consider.
it is given general information about the successful conclusion of the elective area and the opportunity to ask questions. Of course, older semester are welcome.
The event starts at 14 clock and will last approximately 2 hours.
particularly to the study start to our information event is designed to elective the Bachelor Political Science at 06/02/2010 in space V 405 in Schneiderberg 50. There are the various elective subjects such as economics, philosophy, European law, etc. presented and students who enroll in these areas already give an insight to what awaits the students and tell what you should consider.
it is given general information about the successful conclusion of the elective area and the opportunity to ask questions. Of course, older semester are welcome.
The event starts at 14 clock and will last approximately 2 hours.
Friday, May 28, 2010
How Much Does Jcpenney Charge For Hair Color?
Nachdem dieser Blog inzwischen recht unübersichtlich geworden ist, werde ich in nächster Zeit versuchen, hier etwas aufzuräumen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mal den ältesten Beitrag ganz nach oben geholt...
Die deutsche Geschichte der Warner Bros. Looney Tunes gleicht einem einzigen Chaos. Meist mehrfach synchronisiert und in der beliebten "meinereiner"-Fassung des ZDF kaum noch aufzutreiben.
Anfang der 1980er Jahre sah man, wie die Kamera auf ein kleines Fensterchen (mit dem WB-Logo der Warner Bros.) zufuhr, welches sich öffnete und Bugs Bunny freigab, der gerade genüßlich an einer Karotte kaute. "Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit. Seid zur Heiterkeit bereit - Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß Bescheid. Wer eine schöne Stunde verschenkt, weil er an Ärger von gestern denkt - oder an Sorgen von morgen, der tut mir leid. Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß Bescheid."
Danach folgte ein Schwenk in die Garderobe, wo Daffy Duck einen Spruch losließ und Bugs mit "Unser Auftritt, Herr Kollege!" endete. Dann folgte das bekannte Lied von der "großen, bunten Bunny-Schau".
Als Pro7 sich etwa zehn Jahre später die Ausstrahlungsrechte sicherte, entledigte man sich (zugunsten eines Werbeblocks in der Mitte jeder Episode) eines Großteils dieses Vorspanns, fügte Titel ein und schnitt Ansagen um. Dennoch bleiben diese Looney Tunes ein Spiegel der Zeit, in der die deutsche Fassung entstand. Für den Abspann verwendete man ebenfalls eine andere Sequenz, da die ZDF-Credits in der Mitte zwischen den beiden Pianisten Daffy und Bugs hindurchliefen.
Seit September 2005 laufen nur noch die neusynchronisierten Folgen im Cartoon Network-Fenster von Kabel 1. Klassiker wie WHAT'S OPERA, DOC? in der dt. Fassung mit Gerd Vespermann und Kurt Zips als Bugs Bunny und Elmer Fudd in der Looney Tunes-Adaption von Richard Wagners Ring der Nibelungen scheinen seither für immer von der Bildfläche verschwunden.
Einzig eine teilsynchronisierte Fassung "überlebte" auf der VHS "Bugs Bunnys wilde, verwegene Jagd" (WB Home Video and 1996, re-synchronization from 1999). The television station broadcasts SuperRTL "Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting" still in the old version. And, although there is a re-synchronization from the year 1999.
Cartoons - Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies
- Bugs Bunny hunting wild daredevil (1979)
- The Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (1981)
- Bugs Bunny Tales of 1001 Nights (1982)
- Daffy Ducks fantastic island (1983) TV series
- Bunny and his cronies (1970)
- Porky (1972)
- The fastest mouse of Mexico (1979)
- The Bugs Bunny Show (1983)
- Bugs Bunny's tour of the animals ( 1976)
- Bugs Bunny in King Arthur's Court " (1978)
- Bugs Bunny's Mother's Day Special (1979)
- Bugs Bunny's Mad TV (1982)
- Bugs Bunny's hit parade (1988)
- Daffy Ducks Quack Busters (1988)
- Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports (1989)
- Happy Birthday, Bugs! (1990)
- Bugs Bunny Overture disaster (1991)
- Bugs Bunnys Mondlaunen (1991)
- Bugs Bunnys haarsträubende Geschichten (1992)
nicht deutsch synchronisiert:
- Bugs Bunny's Easter Funnies (1977)
- Bugs Bunny's Howl-Oween (1978)
- Bugs Bunny's Cupid Capers (1979)
- Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales (1979)
- Mein Traum bist Du
- Buntes Allerlei
- Bunte Trickfilm-Show
- Die lustige Trickfilmparade
- Die tollen Streiche von Bugs Bunny, Tweety und Sylvester
- Die Bugs-Bunny-Show
- Bugs Bunny und seine Freunde
- Bugs Bunnys tollste Abenteuer
- Porky Pig und seine Freunde
- Bugs Bunnys Recent pranks
- Speedy Gonzales and his friends
- Bugs Bunny Superstar
- Tweety and Sylvester
- Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting
- Warner Home Video (DVD)
- Warner Home Video (VHS)
- MGM / UA (VHS)
- Super 8
- Public Domain (VHS)
- DVD bonus material
Nachdem dieser Blog inzwischen recht unübersichtlich geworden ist, werde ich in nächster Zeit versuchen, hier etwas aufzuräumen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mal den ältesten Beitrag ganz nach oben geholt...

Die deutsche Geschichte der Warner Bros. Looney Tunes gleicht einem einzigen Chaos. Meist mehrfach synchronisiert und in der beliebten "meinereiner"-Fassung des ZDF kaum noch aufzutreiben.
Anfang der 1980er Jahre sah man, wie die Kamera auf ein kleines Fensterchen (mit dem WB-Logo der Warner Bros.) zufuhr, welches sich öffnete und Bugs Bunny freigab, der gerade genüßlich an einer Karotte kaute. "Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit. Seid zur Heiterkeit bereit - Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß Bescheid. Wer eine schöne Stunde verschenkt, weil er an Ärger von gestern denkt - oder an Sorgen von morgen, der tut mir leid. Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß Bescheid."

Danach folgte ein Schwenk in die Garderobe, wo Daffy Duck einen Spruch losließ und Bugs mit "Unser Auftritt, Herr Kollege!" endete. Dann folgte das bekannte Lied von der "großen, bunten Bunny-Schau".

Als Pro7 sich etwa zehn Jahre später die Ausstrahlungsrechte sicherte, entledigte man sich (zugunsten eines Werbeblocks in der Mitte jeder Episode) eines Großteils dieses Vorspanns, fügte Titel ein und schnitt Ansagen um. Dennoch bleiben diese Looney Tunes ein Spiegel der Zeit, in der die deutsche Fassung entstand. Für den Abspann verwendete man ebenfalls eine andere Sequenz, da die ZDF-Credits in der Mitte zwischen den beiden Pianisten Daffy und Bugs hindurchliefen.

Seit September 2005 laufen nur noch die neusynchronisierten Folgen im Cartoon Network-Fenster von Kabel 1. Klassiker wie WHAT'S OPERA, DOC? in der dt. Fassung mit Gerd Vespermann und Kurt Zips als Bugs Bunny und Elmer Fudd in der Looney Tunes-Adaption von Richard Wagners Ring der Nibelungen scheinen seither für immer von der Bildfläche verschwunden.
Einzig eine teilsynchronisierte Fassung "überlebte" auf der VHS "Bugs Bunnys wilde, verwegene Jagd" (WB Home Video and 1996, re-synchronization from 1999). The television station broadcasts SuperRTL "Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting" still in the old version. And, although there is a re-synchronization from the year 1999.
Cartoons - Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies
- Bugs Bunny hunting wild daredevil (1979)
- The Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (1981)
- Bugs Bunny Tales of 1001 Nights (1982)
- Daffy Ducks fantastic island (1983) TV series
- Bunny and his cronies (1970)
- Porky (1972)
- The fastest mouse of Mexico (1979)
- The Bugs Bunny Show (1983)
- Bugs Bunny's tour of the animals ( 1976)
- Bugs Bunny in King Arthur's Court " (1978)
- Bugs Bunny's Mother's Day Special (1979)
- Bugs Bunny's Mad TV (1982)
- Bugs Bunny's hit parade (1988)
- Daffy Ducks Quack Busters (1988)
- Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports (1989)
- Happy Birthday, Bugs! (1990)
- Bugs Bunny Overture disaster (1991)
- Bugs Bunnys Mondlaunen (1991)
- Bugs Bunnys haarsträubende Geschichten (1992)
nicht deutsch synchronisiert:
- Bugs Bunny's Easter Funnies (1977)
- Bugs Bunny's Howl-Oween (1978)
- Bugs Bunny's Cupid Capers (1979)
- Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales (1979)
- Mein Traum bist Du
- Buntes Allerlei
- Bunte Trickfilm-Show
- Die lustige Trickfilmparade
- Die tollen Streiche von Bugs Bunny, Tweety und Sylvester
- Die Bugs-Bunny-Show
- Bugs Bunny und seine Freunde
- Bugs Bunnys tollste Abenteuer
- Porky Pig und seine Freunde
- Bugs Bunnys Recent pranks
- Speedy Gonzales and his friends
- Bugs Bunny Superstar
- Tweety and Sylvester
- Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting
- Warner Home Video (DVD)
- Warner Home Video (VHS)
- MGM / UA (VHS)
- Super 8
- Public Domain (VHS)
- DVD bonus material
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Rhonda Swartwoodfacebook Milloway
Note Exam Registration
Hello, you
is probably clear to all the currently running the test applications.
(! And only for) For FüBAs there is a new feature: papers must not now be registered with Prüngsamt, but directly to the examiner. The examiner will then fill out the following form: , which you must then submit to the examinations office.
Have a nice day!
Hello, you
is probably clear to all the currently running the test applications.
(! And only for) For FüBAs there is a new feature: papers must not now be registered with Prüngsamt, but directly to the examiner. The examiner will then fill out the following form: , which you must then submit to the examinations office.
Have a nice day!
Transferring Irish Private Pension To Australia
Event: Career prospects for political scientists
we wanted you to draw your attention that on Thursday
(20/05/2010) between 18.00 und 20.00 clock, in Room: 410/411
the lecture series "Career prospects for political scientists" goes into the final round
time being.
for the current date is available from Nina Tschierse NDR, the
tell you about the volunteer training with the NDR and will answer questions
. So all should have taken the journalism field in the eye
, take this chance! In addition, Martin will be there
Helmer, a BA graduate of the first year, which has now
own business.
So it tells more and appears in number ;-)
we wanted you to draw your attention that on Thursday
(20/05/2010) between 18.00 und 20.00 clock, in Room: 410/411
the lecture series "Career prospects for political scientists" goes into the final round
time being.
for the current date is available from Nina Tschierse NDR, the
tell you about the volunteer training with the NDR and will answer questions
. So all should have taken the journalism field in the eye
, take this chance! In addition, Martin will be there
Helmer, a BA graduate of the first year, which has now
own business.
So it tells more and appears in number ;-)
Friday, April 30, 2010
For Pregnant Women Strech Marks
Die Kunstgalerie SABOT aus Cluj/ Klausenburg und der Künstler Ştefan Constantinescu werden heuer vom Rumänischen Kulturinstitut Wien zur VIENNAFAIR 2010 gebracht. Darüberhinaus wurden drei weitere rumänische Galerien von den Organisatoren eingeladen: 2 Meta, Ivan Gallery und Adriana Mihail.
Die Galerie SABOT ( ) stellt drei ihrer Künstler vor: Radu Comşa, Alex Miruţiu und Alice Tomaselli. Die Einladung zur Kunstmesse erfolgte im Anschluss an die Teilnahme at the New York Independent Festival and complements the invitation to the Art Forum Berlin 2010.
Ştefan Constantinescu is supported by the London gallery Waterside Project Space ( ) presented .
Europe's only international fair for contemporary art with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe magnetized in 2010 for the sixth time an ever-growing fan base: private and institutional art collectors, curators, museum directors, Gallery owners, artists, art critics and art-loving Publikum.Die VIENNA FAIR has also established itself in the last 2190 days as a successful springboard for galleries and artists from the Central and Southeastern Europe, in the international art world.
More than 110 present by an international advisory board selected, prestigious galleries in over 20 countries, new areas of work of art: painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, media, installation, performance.
Galeria de arta şi Ştefan Constantinescu clujeană SABOT se Numara printr cei pentru a participa la invitaţi ediţia din 2010 a târgului Viennafair annual Viennese art and actively support the presence of ICR Vienna. Gallery
DERAILERS Cluj ( ) has three of its artists: Radu Comsa, Alex and Alice Miruţiu Tomaselli. The invitation comes shortly after attending the fair DERAILERS Independent New York, and joins the call made to attend extra ART Forum Berlin 2010.
Stefan Constantinescu Waterside London gallery is presented by Project Space ( ).
VIENNAFAIR is at its 6th edition, is the only international fair of contemporary art a pronounced focus on Central and esteuropene art and proved to be an important springboard to launch the region's artists and galleries on the international scene. In 2010, international curatorial borough council has selected over 110 galleries from 20 countries: 43 galleries 71 galleries in Austria and abroad, of which 33 in the central and eastern Europe. Romania is represented 4 galleries: Sabot, 2 Meta Adriana Ivan and Mikhail Gallery.
06.-09.05.2010, Messe Wien
Die Kunstgalerie SABOT aus Cluj/ Klausenburg und der Künstler Ştefan Constantinescu werden heuer vom Rumänischen Kulturinstitut Wien zur VIENNAFAIR 2010 gebracht. Darüberhinaus wurden drei weitere rumänische Galerien von den Organisatoren eingeladen: 2 Meta, Ivan Gallery und Adriana Mihail.
Die Galerie SABOT ( ) stellt drei ihrer Künstler vor: Radu Comşa, Alex Miruţiu und Alice Tomaselli. Die Einladung zur Kunstmesse erfolgte im Anschluss an die Teilnahme at the New York Independent Festival and complements the invitation to the Art Forum Berlin 2010.
Ştefan Constantinescu is supported by the London gallery Waterside Project Space ( ) presented .
Europe's only international fair for contemporary art with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe magnetized in 2010 for the sixth time an ever-growing fan base: private and institutional art collectors, curators, museum directors, Gallery owners, artists, art critics and art-loving Publikum.Die VIENNA FAIR has also established itself in the last 2190 days as a successful springboard for galleries and artists from the Central and Southeastern Europe, in the international art world.
More than 110 present by an international advisory board selected, prestigious galleries in over 20 countries, new areas of work of art: painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, media, installation, performance.
Galeria de arta şi Ştefan Constantinescu clujeană SABOT se Numara printr cei pentru a participa la invitaţi ediţia din 2010 a târgului Viennafair annual Viennese art and actively support the presence of ICR Vienna. Gallery
DERAILERS Cluj ( ) has three of its artists: Radu Comsa, Alex and Alice Miruţiu Tomaselli. The invitation comes shortly after attending the fair DERAILERS Independent New York, and joins the call made to attend extra ART Forum Berlin 2010.
Stefan Constantinescu Waterside London gallery is presented by Project Space ( ).
VIENNAFAIR is at its 6th edition, is the only international fair of contemporary art a pronounced focus on Central and esteuropene art and proved to be an important springboard to launch the region's artists and galleries on the international scene. In 2010, international curatorial borough council has selected over 110 galleries from 20 countries: 43 galleries 71 galleries in Austria and abroad, of which 33 in the central and eastern Europe. Romania is represented 4 galleries: Sabot, 2 Meta Adriana Ivan and Mikhail Gallery.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Fashion Tv Live Streaming Midnight
Bugs Bunny wild daredevil
"The Bugs Bunny - Road Runner Movie" was not the first Looney Tunes movie that was shown in German cinemas is, but certainly the best known. Chuck Jones and Co. created a framework for action, um einige ihrer besten Cartoons abendfüllend zu präsentieren. Bereits ein Jahr nach der deutschen Erstaufführung konnte der interessierte Zuschauer den Film in den Videotheken ausleihen. Bugs Bunny lieferte zwar nicht ganz so viele Sprüche wie im Fernsehen ab, dafür hatte er aber seine "richtige" deutsche Stimme - nämlich die von Gerd Vespermann. Erich Ebert seinerseits, gab einen genial-komischen Daffy Duck zum besten. Aufgrund dieser Einmal-Besetzung konnte sich jedoch kein Gewöhnungseffekt einstellen.
Insgesamt vier Versionen brachte Warner auf den deutschsprachigen Markt. 1981 erschien die Verleih-VHS, sieben Jahre später die erste Kaufkassette. Die Tonspur blieb dieselbe, nämlich who ran the 1980 in the cinemas. Also for the next edition (1994) the content was maintained. The re-synchronization with the voices from the movie "Space Jam" followed 1999th
Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting
USA 1947-79
Production Company: Warner Bros. / Vitaphone
Length: 98 minutes Rated: from 6
Dt. First performance: 11/07/1980
Producer: Chuck Jones
Directed by Chuck Jones
writer: Chuck Jones, Michael Maltese
Music: Milt Franklyn, Carl W. Stalling, Dean Elliott
Editor: Treg Brown, Horta Editorial
Rental Video (Warner / WEA, No. WGP 1003): 1981
home video (Warner, No. PGV 1003): 1988
Re-Release (Warner No. 1003): 1994
resynchronization (Warner, No. 1003): 1999
Rabbit Seasoning (detail, 15 sec)
U.S. premiere: 09/20/1952
cast: Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd) ,
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Hare-Way To The Stars (5:54)
U.S. premiere: 03/29/1958
votes: Eberhard Storeck (Marvin), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Klaus Klebsch-Dieter (Marvin)
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Norbert Langer (Off)
Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century (6:05)
US-Erstaufführung: 25.07.1953
Stimmen: Erich Ebert (Daffy Duck), Michael Habeck (Porky Pig),
Eberhard Storeck (Dr. I.Q. Hi, Marvin)
Neusynchronisation: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck),
Michael Walke (Porky Pig)
Robin Hood Daffy (5:10)
US-Erstaufführung: 08.03.1958
Stimmen: Erich Ebert (Daffy Duck), Michael Habeck (Porky Pig)
Neusynchronisation: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck) ,
Michael Walke (Porky Pig)
Duck Amuck (6:21)
U.S. premiere: 28/02/1953
cast: Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven
Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Bully For Bugs (6:12)
U.S. premiere: 08/08/1953
votes: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Ali Baba Bunny (5 : 59)
U.S. premiere: 09/02/1957
cast: Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Michael
Rueth (lamp spirit)
resynchronization: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven
Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Rabbit Fire (6:29)
U.S. premiere: 05/19/1951
cast: Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck),
Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd), Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny, Elephant)
For Scent-imental Reasons (5:33)
U.S. première: 12/11/1949
votes: Wolfgang Hess (Pepe Le Pew), Eberhard Storeck (perfumery)
resynchronization: Georg Tryphon (perfumery), Norbert Langer (Off)
Long-Haired Hare (4:41)
US-Erstaufführung: 15.06.1949
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Mel Blanc (Gesang)
Neusynchronisation: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny) , Mel Blanc (Gesang)
What’s Opera, Doc? (6:03)
US-Erstaufführung: 06.07.1957
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Mel Blanc (Gesang),
Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Arthur Q. Bryan (Gesang)
Neusynchronisation: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny),
Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd)
Operation: Rabbit (3:55)
US-Erstaufführung: 19.01.1952
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
Neusynchronisation: Stefan Staudinger (Wile E. Coyote),
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Norbert Langer (Off)
To Beep Or Not To Beep
US-Erstaufführung: 18.12.1963
Zoom And Bored
US-Erstaufführung: 14.09.1957
Hopalong Casualty
US-Erstaufführung: 08.10.1960
Whoa! Be Gone!
US-Erstaufführung: 12.04.1958
US-Erstaufführung: 30.04.1955
There They Go-Go-Go
US-Erstaufführung: 10.11.1956
Gee Whiz-z-z
US-Erstaufführung: 05.05.1956
Going! Going! Gosh!
U.S. premiere: 23/08/1952
Stop, Look and Hasten
U.S. premiere: 08/21/1954
Beep Prepared
U.S. premiere: 11/11/1961
As indicated above, the old theatrical version yet from time to time to SuperRTL. One of the few Looney Tunes Inside the German free-TV, as in "The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" was the soundtrack already replaced, so you can see only the current version, released on DVD to hear, and.

"The Bugs Bunny - Road Runner Movie" was not the first Looney Tunes movie that was shown in German cinemas is, but certainly the best known. Chuck Jones and Co. created a framework for action, um einige ihrer besten Cartoons abendfüllend zu präsentieren. Bereits ein Jahr nach der deutschen Erstaufführung konnte der interessierte Zuschauer den Film in den Videotheken ausleihen. Bugs Bunny lieferte zwar nicht ganz so viele Sprüche wie im Fernsehen ab, dafür hatte er aber seine "richtige" deutsche Stimme - nämlich die von Gerd Vespermann. Erich Ebert seinerseits, gab einen genial-komischen Daffy Duck zum besten. Aufgrund dieser Einmal-Besetzung konnte sich jedoch kein Gewöhnungseffekt einstellen.
Insgesamt vier Versionen brachte Warner auf den deutschsprachigen Markt. 1981 erschien die Verleih-VHS, sieben Jahre später die erste Kaufkassette. Die Tonspur blieb dieselbe, nämlich who ran the 1980 in the cinemas. Also for the next edition (1994) the content was maintained. The re-synchronization with the voices from the movie "Space Jam" followed 1999th
Bugs Bunny's wild, reckless hunting
USA 1947-79
Production Company: Warner Bros. / Vitaphone
Length: 98 minutes Rated: from 6
Dt. First performance: 11/07/1980
Producer: Chuck Jones
Directed by Chuck Jones
writer: Chuck Jones, Michael Maltese
Music: Milt Franklyn, Carl W. Stalling, Dean Elliott
Editor: Treg Brown, Horta Editorial
Rental Video (Warner / WEA, No. WGP 1003): 1981
home video (Warner, No. PGV 1003): 1988
Re-Release (Warner No. 1003): 1994
resynchronization (Warner, No. 1003): 1999
Rabbit Seasoning (detail, 15 sec)
U.S. premiere: 09/20/1952
cast: Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd) ,
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Hare-Way To The Stars (5:54)
U.S. premiere: 03/29/1958
votes: Eberhard Storeck (Marvin), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Klaus Klebsch-Dieter (Marvin)
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Norbert Langer (Off)

Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century (6:05)
US-Erstaufführung: 25.07.1953
Stimmen: Erich Ebert (Daffy Duck), Michael Habeck (Porky Pig),
Eberhard Storeck (Dr. I.Q. Hi, Marvin)
Neusynchronisation: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck),
Michael Walke (Porky Pig)
Robin Hood Daffy (5:10)
US-Erstaufführung: 08.03.1958
Stimmen: Erich Ebert (Daffy Duck), Michael Habeck (Porky Pig)
Neusynchronisation: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck) ,
Michael Walke (Porky Pig)

Duck Amuck (6:21)
U.S. premiere: 28/02/1953
cast: Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven
Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Bully For Bugs (6:12)
U.S. premiere: 08/08/1953
votes: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny)
Ali Baba Bunny (5 : 59)
U.S. premiere: 09/02/1957
cast: Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Michael
Rueth (lamp spirit)
resynchronization: Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven
Plate (Bugs Bunny)

Rabbit Fire (6:29)
U.S. premiere: 05/19/1951
cast: Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Eric Ebert (Daffy Duck),
Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
resynchronization: Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd), Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny, Elephant)
For Scent-imental Reasons (5:33)
U.S. première: 12/11/1949
votes: Wolfgang Hess (Pepe Le Pew), Eberhard Storeck (perfumery)
resynchronization: Georg Tryphon (perfumery), Norbert Langer (Off)
Long-Haired Hare (4:41)
US-Erstaufführung: 15.06.1949
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Mel Blanc (Gesang)
Neusynchronisation: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny) , Mel Blanc (Gesang)
What’s Opera, Doc? (6:03)
US-Erstaufführung: 06.07.1957
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Mel Blanc (Gesang),
Kurt Zips (Elmer Fudd), Arthur Q. Bryan (Gesang)
Neusynchronisation: Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny),
Hans-Jürgen Wolf (Elmer Fudd)
Operation: Rabbit (3:55)
US-Erstaufführung: 19.01.1952
Stimmen: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny)
Neusynchronisation: Stefan Staudinger (Wile E. Coyote),
Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Norbert Langer (Off)
To Beep Or Not To Beep
US-Erstaufführung: 18.12.1963
Zoom And Bored
US-Erstaufführung: 14.09.1957
Hopalong Casualty
US-Erstaufführung: 08.10.1960
Whoa! Be Gone!
US-Erstaufführung: 12.04.1958
US-Erstaufführung: 30.04.1955
There They Go-Go-Go
US-Erstaufführung: 10.11.1956
Gee Whiz-z-z
US-Erstaufführung: 05.05.1956
Going! Going! Gosh!
U.S. premiere: 23/08/1952
Stop, Look and Hasten
U.S. premiere: 08/21/1954
Beep Prepared
U.S. premiere: 11/11/1961
As indicated above, the old theatrical version yet from time to time to SuperRTL. One of the few Looney Tunes Inside the German free-TV, as in "The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" was the soundtrack already replaced, so you can see only the current version, released on DVD to hear, and.
Funny Quotes For A 25th Birthday
RKI Wien unterstützt Pater Sporschills Concordia / Concordia ICR supports Father Georg Sporschill Vienna Gruss Gott und auch
27/03/2010, Stiftskirche / Klosterneuburg Abbey Church - Konzerte des Seminars Chors often Theologischen Bukarest / Choir Concert in Bucharest Theological Seminary
13/04/2010, Wiener Neudorf - Benefizabend der / charity event of the Vienna Business School HAK Mödling
Mag. Renate Gruber (Vienna Business School), Father Georg Sporschill Mag. Carmen Bendovski
Das vom RKI Wien gespendete Gemälde wird seinem Ersteigerer, Mag. Stefan Zach (Leiter Kommunikation und Information der EVN) übergeben./ Pictura donată de ICR Viena este înmânată câştigătorului licitaţiei, Stefan Zach (director de comunicare al EVN - compania furnizoare de energie a land-ului Austria Inferioară)
27/03/2010, Stiftskirche / Klosterneuburg Abbey Church - Konzerte des Seminars Chors often Theologischen Bukarest / Choir Concert in Bucharest Theological Seminary
13/04/2010, Wiener Neudorf - Benefizabend der / charity event of the Vienna Business School HAK Mödling

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Employment Contract-privacy Clause
The Bologna-Tag, 23.04.2010
we want to take this opportunity once again to bring you to the Bologna Day on Friday, 04/23/2010 to draw attention.
Im Zuge dieses Tages sollen mit euch die wichtige Aspekte der Lehre und zukünftige Entwicklungen diskutiert werden, sowohl in Workshops als auch im Plenum. Wir hoffen auf eure zahlreiche Teilnahme, denn das ist eure Chance , sich mit den Verändergungen und der Umsetzung des Bolognaprozesses an unserer Hochschule, kritisch und konstruktiv auseinander zu setzen!!!!
Hier findet ihr nochmal das Programm und eine ausführlich Erläuterung zum Bologna-Tag 2010:
Viele Grüße
Euer Fachrat
we want to take this opportunity once again to bring you to the Bologna Day on Friday, 04/23/2010 to draw attention.
Im Zuge dieses Tages sollen mit euch die wichtige Aspekte der Lehre und zukünftige Entwicklungen diskutiert werden, sowohl in Workshops als auch im Plenum. Wir hoffen auf eure zahlreiche Teilnahme, denn das ist eure Chance , sich mit den Verändergungen und der Umsetzung des Bolognaprozesses an unserer Hochschule, kritisch und konstruktiv auseinander zu setzen!!!!
Hier findet ihr nochmal das Programm und eine ausführlich Erläuterung zum Bologna-Tag 2010:
Viele Grüße
Euer Fachrat
Sunday, April 11, 2010
How Many Floor Rose In Rose Garden
News, News !!!!!!!!!
Es ist wieder soweit, die Vorlesungszeit beginnt und natürlich we have to announce all the hand!
This coming Wednesday the 14.04.2010, held our Meckertag. We are all likely to make our tents, before cutting open mountain and you get the opportunity to anonymously or in person to express criticism about studies!
Also on Wednesday on 14.04.2010, the event: instead "Bachelor's labor market in mind," . The focus Geistes-/Sozial-/Wirtschaftswissenschaften place from 16.30-18.30
clock, instead of King Platz 1, Building 1502, 14.Stock.
more information:
More soon!
Es ist wieder soweit, die Vorlesungszeit beginnt und natürlich we have to announce all the hand!
This coming Wednesday the 14.04.2010, held our Meckertag. We are all likely to make our tents, before cutting open mountain and you get the opportunity to anonymously or in person to express criticism about studies!
Also on Wednesday on 14.04.2010, the event: instead "Bachelor's labor market in mind," . The focus Geistes-/Sozial-/Wirtschaftswissenschaften place from 16.30-18.30
clock, instead of King Platz 1, Building 1502, 14.Stock.
more information:
More soon!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Macromastia Big Breasts
In August 2009, appeared Friz Freleng "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" as a German DVD. And "looney", this DVD is, in fact. First, a stab in the eye two things: the plastic film to the "Warner Kids" stickers and the stickers for the sticker contained three including scrapbook. Both are about as useful as the "Fox Kids" sticker on the English "Looney Tunes Golden Collection" DVDs. IT IS "not Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 4 is intended for the adult collector and may be suitable for children" on the UK cover, including the Rating PG (Parental Guidance). A contradiction in terms to say, but it one hand, the DVDs are for children and adults only in the same breath, without the children die Cartoons nicht anschauen sollen.
In etwa so zwiespältig ist die deutsche Altersfreigabe mit FSK 0 für "Der total verrückte Bugs Bunny Film". Dabei geht es nicht um die dargestellte Gewalt in den Cartoons, sondern vielmehr um das Bonus-Material, welches aus drei Warner Cartoons aus den 90er Jahren besteht. Es gibt nämlich keine deutsche Tonspur, sondern nur den Originalton mit dt. Untertiteln. FSK 0? Warner Kids? Was will Warner Bros. Deutschland damit erreichen? Englisch-Unterricht im Grundschulalter? Oder wollte man einfach nur Kosten sparen?
Beim Sticker-Album hätte man sich ein komplettes Looney Tunes-Album gewünscht, nicht bloß Advertising for the other Warner Kids DVDs (Tom & Jerry, The Little Polar Bear, Bee Movie, Laura's Star and Little Dodo). Positive stress is, however, the price of the DVD, which is just under 10 EUR more than acceptable. But already saw the new edition of the Looney Tunes DVDs as part of "Warner Kids" last year for a significant price drop. In particular, the old collection from 2003/2004 and the remaining stocks are partly offered by dealers for less than 5 EUR per wheel. Those who do not insist on Virgin, is put on the used market away usually even more favorable.
But back to the content. As was to be expected is the soundtrack to the degree of short vor Erscheinen der DVD von Super RTL gesendet wurde. Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Tilo Schmitz (Yosemite Sam) usw. Nach mittlerweile zwölf Jahren stellt sich auch hier ein gewisser Gewöhnungseffekt bei den deutschen Stimmen ein. Dennoch ist es schade, dass man nur diese eine deutsche Tonspur aufgespielt hat. Die Bonus-Cartoons "Box-Office Bunny" (1990), "From Hare To Eternity" (1996) und "Pullet Surprise" (1996) haben natürlich nicht den Flair der 40er bis 60er Jahre, sind aber dennoch recht witzig und unterhaltsam. Wer hätte beispielsweise gedacht, dass Yosemite Sam singen kann?
Günstiger Preis, dem leider auch die erbrachte Benefit is equal. Completely unclear is the target audience. For Warner Kids "and FSK 0, there would have been heard to let synchronize the bonus cartoons. Especially of the "Box-Office Bunny" indeed exists a German sound version with Sven Plate and Gerald Schaale (see You Tube: "Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes - Box-Office Bunny"), which was broadcast by cable 1. But if OmU (original with subtitles), then the old Bugs Bunny fans have certainly got an additional sound track of "The Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" with Gerd Vespermann in the role of the popular rabbit.
Since 14 August 2009 it is the official DVD "The Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie). The tone is consistent with the first took place shortly before re-transmission of Super RTL. Ie Sven Plate on Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc. Gerald Schaale on Hardly anyone knows, however, that it is also a version with Gerd Vespermann. This sent the ZDF for Christmas 1993rd
The old soundtrack would of course a brilliant bonus for the upcoming DVD release had. By processing in Hamburg is the speaker ensemble and large the same as in "Daffy Ducks Fantastic Voyage" and "Bugs Bunny Tales of 1001 Nights." The person responsible Storeck Eberhard took over the role of Porky Pig, Andreas von der Meden Daffy Duck is the best and Wolfgang Draeger heard as Sylvester. Entirely new is Schütter Friedrich (known as Lorne Greene in "Bonanza"), which revives the trigger-Yosemite Sam with a sonorous voice of life.
The film contains the following cartoons and clips:
Hare Trimmed
Devil's Feud Cake
Roman-Legion Hare
Sahara Hare
Wild and Wooly Hare
The Unmentionables
Golden Yeggs
Catty Cornered
Three Little Bops
Birds Anonymous
High Diving Hare
Show Biz Bugs
Am Anfang, während des Film-Intros, sieht man außerdem kurze Ausschnitte aus:
Little Red Rodent Hood, Speedy Gonzales, und A Pizza Tweety Pie.
Durch den Einsatz von Friedrich Schütter als Yosemite Sam gibt es somit also bereits vier bekannte deutsche Versionen von "High Diving Hare": Gerd Vespermann/Walter Reichelt, Gudo Hoegel/Walter Reichelt, Gerd Vespermann/Friedrich Schütter und Sven Plate/Tilo Schmitz. Da fragt man sich, ob und wo ending ever.

In August 2009, appeared Friz Freleng "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" as a German DVD. And "looney", this DVD is, in fact. First, a stab in the eye two things: the plastic film to the "Warner Kids" stickers and the stickers for the sticker contained three including scrapbook. Both are about as useful as the "Fox Kids" sticker on the English "Looney Tunes Golden Collection" DVDs. IT IS "not Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 4 is intended for the adult collector and may be suitable for children" on the UK cover, including the Rating PG (Parental Guidance). A contradiction in terms to say, but it one hand, the DVDs are for children and adults only in the same breath, without the children die Cartoons nicht anschauen sollen.

In etwa so zwiespältig ist die deutsche Altersfreigabe mit FSK 0 für "Der total verrückte Bugs Bunny Film". Dabei geht es nicht um die dargestellte Gewalt in den Cartoons, sondern vielmehr um das Bonus-Material, welches aus drei Warner Cartoons aus den 90er Jahren besteht. Es gibt nämlich keine deutsche Tonspur, sondern nur den Originalton mit dt. Untertiteln. FSK 0? Warner Kids? Was will Warner Bros. Deutschland damit erreichen? Englisch-Unterricht im Grundschulalter? Oder wollte man einfach nur Kosten sparen?

Beim Sticker-Album hätte man sich ein komplettes Looney Tunes-Album gewünscht, nicht bloß Advertising for the other Warner Kids DVDs (Tom & Jerry, The Little Polar Bear, Bee Movie, Laura's Star and Little Dodo). Positive stress is, however, the price of the DVD, which is just under 10 EUR more than acceptable. But already saw the new edition of the Looney Tunes DVDs as part of "Warner Kids" last year for a significant price drop. In particular, the old collection from 2003/2004 and the remaining stocks are partly offered by dealers for less than 5 EUR per wheel. Those who do not insist on Virgin, is put on the used market away usually even more favorable.

But back to the content. As was to be expected is the soundtrack to the degree of short vor Erscheinen der DVD von Super RTL gesendet wurde. Sven Plate (Bugs Bunny), Gerald Schaale (Daffy Duck), Tilo Schmitz (Yosemite Sam) usw. Nach mittlerweile zwölf Jahren stellt sich auch hier ein gewisser Gewöhnungseffekt bei den deutschen Stimmen ein. Dennoch ist es schade, dass man nur diese eine deutsche Tonspur aufgespielt hat. Die Bonus-Cartoons "Box-Office Bunny" (1990), "From Hare To Eternity" (1996) und "Pullet Surprise" (1996) haben natürlich nicht den Flair der 40er bis 60er Jahre, sind aber dennoch recht witzig und unterhaltsam. Wer hätte beispielsweise gedacht, dass Yosemite Sam singen kann?

Günstiger Preis, dem leider auch die erbrachte Benefit is equal. Completely unclear is the target audience. For Warner Kids "and FSK 0, there would have been heard to let synchronize the bonus cartoons. Especially of the "Box-Office Bunny" indeed exists a German sound version with Sven Plate and Gerald Schaale (see You Tube: "Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes - Box-Office Bunny"), which was broadcast by cable 1. But if OmU (original with subtitles), then the old Bugs Bunny fans have certainly got an additional sound track of "The Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" with Gerd Vespermann in the role of the popular rabbit.

(Pictures from "Box Office Bunny" in German at lead 1)

Since 14 August 2009 it is the official DVD "The Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie). The tone is consistent with the first took place shortly before re-transmission of Super RTL. Ie Sven Plate on Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc. Gerald Schaale on Hardly anyone knows, however, that it is also a version with Gerd Vespermann. This sent the ZDF for Christmas 1993rd

The old soundtrack would of course a brilliant bonus for the upcoming DVD release had. By processing in Hamburg is the speaker ensemble and large the same as in "Daffy Ducks Fantastic Voyage" and "Bugs Bunny Tales of 1001 Nights." The person responsible Storeck Eberhard took over the role of Porky Pig, Andreas von der Meden Daffy Duck is the best and Wolfgang Draeger heard as Sylvester. Entirely new is Schütter Friedrich (known as Lorne Greene in "Bonanza"), which revives the trigger-Yosemite Sam with a sonorous voice of life.

The film contains the following cartoons and clips:
Hare Trimmed
Devil's Feud Cake
Roman-Legion Hare
Sahara Hare
Wild and Wooly Hare
The Unmentionables
Golden Yeggs
Catty Cornered
Three Little Bops
Birds Anonymous
High Diving Hare
Show Biz Bugs
Am Anfang, während des Film-Intros, sieht man außerdem kurze Ausschnitte aus:
Little Red Rodent Hood, Speedy Gonzales, und A Pizza Tweety Pie.
Durch den Einsatz von Friedrich Schütter als Yosemite Sam gibt es somit also bereits vier bekannte deutsche Versionen von "High Diving Hare": Gerd Vespermann/Walter Reichelt, Gudo Hoegel/Walter Reichelt, Gerd Vespermann/Friedrich Schütter und Sven Plate/Tilo Schmitz. Da fragt man sich, ob und wo ending ever.
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