January 15, 2010 Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: ICR Vienna Argentinierstraße 39
Under the title IN HUMAN CORE , 160 years since the birth of Mihai Eminescu and 10 years publication of unpublished correspondence Mihai Eminescu - Veronica in volume Micle My Sweet Lady / My love Eminem, Vienna ICR-event schedule a conference presented by Ms Christina Zarifopol-Illias (Indiana University, Bloomington).
conference will be accompanied by the projection of fragments of the epistolary exchange in the reading of young Romanian actors.
Volume gratuite pentru studenţii prezenţi:
9 x Dulcea mea Doamnă / Eminul meu iubit (Christina Zarifopol-Illias, Polirom 2000)
10 x Despre omul din scrisori. Mihai Eminescu (Dan C. Mihăilescu, Humanitas, 2009)
„După părerea mea, de la publicarea postumelor lui Eminescu nu a mai apărut nimic de o asemenea amploare şi însemnătate în bibliografia eminesciană.” ( Nicolae Manolescu despre Dulcea mea Doamnă/ Eminul meu iubit )
Christina Zarifopol-Illias , absolventă de studii clasice a Universităţii Bucureşti, s-a stabilit in 1980 in the U.S.. Associate Professor of Classical Studies and the Romanian Language and Literature at Indiana University, is program supervisor for the first year of Latin study and initiator of Romanian Studies Program. Holder of numerous academic titles: IU Trustees Teaching Award (2002), Teaching Excellence Award (Slavics and Classics, 1998, 1999, 2000). In 1999 he was awarded the Kenneth Rexroth Memorial Translation Prize for translation, along with Adam J. Sorkin, a volume of poems by Martha Petreu. Christina Illias Zarifopol-authored volume Portrait of a Pragmatic Hero. Narrative Strategies of Self-Presentation in Pliny's letters şi a îngrijit ediţia scrisorilor inedite Mihai Eminescu - Veronica Micle: Dulcea mea Doamna / Eminul meu iubit ( Preamble la Editura Polirom).
Under the motto OF HUMAN NUCLEAR , the Romanian Cultural Institute Vienna 160 years is facing the birth the poet Mihai Eminescu and 10 years after the publication the unknown correspondence between Mihai Eminescu - Veronica Micle in the book Dulcea mea Doamnă / Eminul meu iubit an extraordinary presentation by Christina Zarifopol-Illias (Indiana University, Bloomington).
complement the lecture movie clips, read by young Romanian actor fragments of the correspondence.
student participants, the following works for free on the transportation available: 9 x
Dulcea mea Doamnă / Eminul meu iubit (Christina Zarifopol-Iliad, Polirom 2000) 10 x
Despre omul din scrisori. Mihai Eminescu (Dan C. Mihailescu, Humanitas, 2009)
"Since the publication of the posthumous works of Eminescu in my opinion is nothing comparable sensational published about this poet." (Nicolae Manolescu on Dulcea mea Doamnă / Eminul meu iubit )
Christina Zarifopol- Iliad, the graduate has achieved in Classical Philology at the University of Bucharest, has been living in 1980 in the United States. She teaches Classics and Romanian language and literature at Indiana University, where she is also director of the Latin course for freshmen and founder of Studeingangs for Romanian. Pauses for several academic title: IU Trustees Teaching Award (2002), Teaching Excellence Award (Slavics and Classics, 1998, 1999, 2000). In 1999 she received the Kenneth Rexroth Memorial Translation Prize Petreu for the translation of a book of poems by Marta (in collaboration with Adam J. Sorkin). Christina Zarifopol-Iliad is the author of the book Portrait of a Pragmatic Hero. Narrative strategies of self-presentation in Pliny's letters and has the publication of the correspondence between Mihai Eminescu - Veronica Micle, Dulcea mea Doamna / Eminul meu iubit , coordinates (both titles in Polirom Verlag).
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