single cartoon comparison ZDF/Pro7-Version / Original
(original length: 6:12 min)

Daffy Duck has constantly hungry, which does not fit the farmer Elmer. Daffy eats his food dish and steals along with even the watchdog nor the meat from the bone. Elmer's wife wants to cook something special, because the visit has been announced. The dog leads them to prepare roast duck. As Daffy ready for some turbulence without springs is in the roasting tin, it turns out that the guest is a vegetarian.

Another unabridged cartoon. As Daffy hear a young Dieter Kursawe and Elmer is spoken by Herbert Weissbach. Another sound version Hamburger with voices is on the VHS video cassette Bugs Bunny Show 9 and 50 years of Daffy Duck.

Missing Pieces:
bias plus credits (29 sec)
credit (7 sec)
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