Veranstaltungs-Suite des RKI Wien zum Oster- und Pessach-Fest
Heuer Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter at the same time and also the Jewish Passover festival falls in the same period in 2010. The Romanian Cultural Institute (RKI) Vienna organized between 25-28. March, a suite of events under the title "Hello and Shalom" - a well-measured blend of traditional culture, theoretical trays, sacred music and cuisine.
The Suite "Hello and Shalom" positioned in the Austrian context elements of Romania's iconography, folk art and customs of Easter, Catholic and Orthodox church music, but also illustrative insight into the domestic rituals, such as the preparation of traditional Osterspeisen. Dieses Kompositum unterstreicht den mannigfaltigen Charakter der rumänischen (Volks)Kultur als festen Bestandteil des zentraleuropäischen Raumes.
25. März, 18.00 Uhr, RKI Wien – Die Hinterglasikonen aus Sibiel, Videopräsentation und Vortrag des italienischen Journalisten Giovanni Ruggeri, begleitet von einer Videoprojektion ( www.sibiel.net , www.sibiel.info ).
27. März, 18.30 Uhr, Stiftskirche Klosterneuburg – Konzert mit katholischer und orthodoxer Sakralmusik von Cantate Domino, dem Chor des Bukarester Orthodoxen Priesterseminars; Ausstellung rumänischer Easter eggs by the artist and tasting of Romanian Ileana Hotopilă Fast Food, in cooperation with the Romanian Embassy in Vienna and Klosterneuburg Abbey.
28th March:
• 9.00 clock, Romanian Orthodox parish in Vienna - Cantate Domino concert, the choir of the Bucharest Orthodox seminary in the fair for Palm Sunday.
• 17.00 clock, RKI Wien - Family Sunday concert Cantate Domino, the choir of the Bucharest Orthodox seminary and Shmuel Barzilai, the chief cantor of the Jewish community in Vienna, exhibition of the artist Ileana Hotopilă Romanian Easter eggs; Ostereierverzier Workshop Maria Hera und für Kinder mit Daniel Roman; Verkostung rumänischer, Österreichischer und Speisen jüdischer.

suite of special events organized by ICR Vienna on the occasion of the feast of Easter and Pessach
This year, Orthodox Christians and Catholics celebrate Easter at the same time and in this period also happens to Pessach's Jewish holiday. Organized by the Austrian Cultural Institute in the range 25 to 28 March series of special events, "God helps Shalom" in a alternation carefully wrapping the traditional culture, integration theory, sacred music and culinary arts.
suite "God help us and Shalom" Austrian design elements of iconography in the space of Romanian folk art and customs of which have lost none of its attractiveness for foreign audiences, sacred music and entertainment accents such as culinary demonstrations focused on the traditional Easter menu. All this diversity of stresses compositum Romanian traditional culture and outlines coordinated proximity, otherwise ignored the local public. The selection of locations and actors come to strengthen both cultural correlations in the region of Central and Eastern European and European traditions recognized the value of Romanian and spiritual complexity and diversity in the Romanian show.
Events Calendar:
March 25, 18.00, Vienna ICR - Sibiel icons on glass, conference supported by the Italian journalist Giovanni Ruggeri, accompanied by projections. ( www.sibiel.net , www.sibiel.info )
March 27, 18.30, Klosterneuburg Abbey Church - Orthodox sacred music concert and supported Catholic Domino singing, choir Theological Seminary in Bucharest. Exhibition of eggs decorated by Ileana Hotopilă Romanian cuisine, wine tasting post. The event is organized in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in Vienna and Klosterneuburg Abbey
March 28:
• 9.00 Romanian Orthodox Parish in Vienna - Domino sung recital performed by the choir of the Bucharest Theological Seminary, in the Easter liturgy
• 17.00, Vienna ICR - Family Sunday, Domino singing concert, choir Theological Seminary in Bucharest and Shmuel Barzilai, senior cantor of the Hebrew Community in Vienna, the exhibition of painted eggs Hotopilă Ileana; painting workshop for children supported by the Mary and Daniel Roman Hera, tasting dishes from Romanian and Austrian Post and specifically Hebrew.
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