Long before Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes German television captured, you could see the popular cartoon characters in this country in the cinema halls. The früheste, nachweisbare Auftritt von Bugs Bunny und Tweety stammt aus dem Jahr 1951. In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren liefen mehrere Cartoon-Zusammenstellungen, deren Inhalte inzwischen, zumindest teilweise, bekannt sind. Der letzte klassische Looney Tunes-Kinofilm in deutscher Sprache war "Bugs Bunnys wilde verwegene Jagd" von 1980. Das ist der einzige Film, dessen (alte) Tonspur noch im Fernsehen (SuperRTL) läuft. Auf Kabel 1 sieht man hin und wieder einzelne Cartoons wie z.B. "Bully For Bugs" in der alten Kino-Tonfassung aus den 1960er Jahren. Die nachfolgenden Beiträge zeigen die bisherigen Erkenntnisse auf.
Mein Traum bist Du
(EA: 05.06.1951)

Bugs Bunnys first screen appearance in Germany was probably 1951st In a dream sequence of the film "My dream you are" (My Dream Is Yours, 1948) sings and dances with the cartoon bunny Doris Day, Jack Carson and Tweety. Unfortunately, there is this film combining live actors with cartoon characters, (as so often) two different German sound version. It is likely that on TV only the newer version ran in the dream sequence was not synchronized. The aired should be made on 12.23.1995 in the ARD program. Since then, the film was at least a dozen times in the third programs, two more times in the ARD and once on 3sat. The recent broadcasts were made in pay-TV channel TNT in Bilingual. The TV sound was created in Hamburg and you hear the voices of others Wolfgang Spier in the role of Doris Day's uncle (Edgar Kennedy) and Günther Jerschke.

For the sound version of 1951 out the synchronous database Arne Kaul place:
My dream You are (1948)
title: My Dream Is Yours
Director: Michael Curtiz
Rental: Warner
Synchronized (1951) in: Ultra Film GmbH Berlin
synchronous synchronous Director: Alfred Vohrer
dialogue book: Bert reason
Actor (Character Name) Chairman
Doris Day (Martha Gibson) Tina Eilers
Jack Carson (Doug Blake) Peter Passetti
Eve Arden (Vivian Martin) Eva Eras

More about this film is unfortunately not known. But it could well be that is heard in the early version did not Mel Blanc, but a German speaker to Bugs Bunny and Tweety. For it is sung, not just spoken. Bugs tries to get to little Freddy awake and Tweety makes his sentence "I taw a puddy tat tawt I!" from the stack. The first performance of "My Dream Is Yours" took place on 5 June 1951 instead. The PM released the film 100minütigen over 12.
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