Sunday, February 10, 2008

Toddler Suddenly Thirsty

Congratulations to Christiane Völling

PRESSEMITTEILUNG: OII gratuliert Christiane Völling
6. Februar 2008
Internationale Vereinigung Intersexueller (OII)

The Organisation Intersex International (OII) congratulates Chris Völling, German intersex woman who demanded her former surgeon for damages. Today 6, February 2008 ruled that the district court of Cologne, that the applicant was the then removal of their ovaries and uterus "enlightened not applicable".

This verdict confirms the official position of OII on medical treatment and underlines the fact that the treatment of intersex children should be checked to ensure not only their physical integrity, but also regarding the non-transferable right of child to choose the sex, which appears to be appropriate to the child himself.

The current medical protocols recommend surgical operations and / or hormone treatments, which often do not easily reversed, the child as early as possible to assign a sex without is held with the affected individual consultation.

Society, law and medicine have the human rights of intersex children to respect and to achieve the changes are necessary to reflect the biological facts. Not all people are born male or female and some people accept their early sex assignment do not accept others turn neither male nor female allocation, which they see as a violation of their human rights.

Christiane Völlings process emphasizes the serious problem that there are only two officially approved sexes, and we note that this verdict is based on the concept that Chris Völling "essentially a woman" because of their XX chromosomes und ihrer inneren Anatomie. Wir haben den Eindruck, wäre Christiane Völling mit dem Swyer Syndrom und XY-Chromosomen geboren worden hätte der Richter in dem Fall einer Entfernung der Gebärmutter nicht zu ihren Gunsten geurteilt. Die willkürlichen Definitionen des Geschlechtes einer Person, basierend auf biologischen und anatomischen Merkmalen, sind nicht förderlich für die Menschenrechte von Intersexuellen und leider beenden alle diese willkürlichen und vagen Definitionen, die vom Richter in seinem Urteilsspruch zitiert werden, auch die operativen Zuweisungen ohne "Informed Consent" nicht. OII ist der Meinung, daß dieser Fall nicht eine Debatte über die medizinischen oder gesetzlichen Merkmale should be the sex of a person and how that person fits into these categories, however, the focus should be placed and on the physical and psychological integrity of Indivduums on the right of all individuals in their physical and mental integrity, not through social, medical and legal interventions to be harmed.

We appreciate the courage of Christiane and her willingness to defend herself with such dignity and we wish her a long and happy life. We hope this case helps to heal the wounds that had to suffer so many intersex people worldwide and that the company generally place for us and treated us with forms of human dignity, which they granted to most other people.

Curtis E. Hinkle
Founder, OII (International Organisation Intersex)
E-mail: @ curtis.hinkle

articles in German: http:// / Christiane.html # anchor_11

Friday, February 8, 2008

Who Made Holly Willoughby's Birthday Cake

solidarity with Christiane Völling

press release
Curtis E. Hinkle
Founder, Organisation Intersex International (International Organisation Intersex)
for immediate circulation

The International Organisation Intersex expresses its solidarity with Christiane Völling.

Committee members of OII, which come from various countries around the world want to express their solidarity with Christiane Völling. Christiane Völling is an inter-sexual woman from Germany, a doctor sued because it was apparently operating without its knowledge to man.

We find her story very tragic and unfortunately it is typical of the treatment that many intersexed people had to endure in the world. Many intersex people was the truth about her intersexuality not told and they were not only in body, which have been changed without their consent, but also in a sex forced is not in line with their sense of self.

From the beginning we have opposed not only early surgical sex assignment, but also the underlying motives: all intersex infants with violence as male or female associate without any consent of the affected children.

To our official position on cell to check the health concerns:

Christiane's story:

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We do not want to be ambiguous

Wir wollen nicht zweideutig sein

Wir in OII wünschen nicht, in eine Debatte über die Terminologie (DSD) mit Alice Dreger verwickelt zu werden und hoffen, dass wir darüber nicht zweideutig sind.

It is true that with the new terminology (DSD) do not agree.

It is important to understand that our objections are based on changes in the field of intersexuality not just terminology. This would trivialize the discussion.

In the following, we would state clearly why we are in fundamental contradiction with Alice Dreger and why we disapprove of what they done to the intersex community added.

following concern to us and has nothing to do with terminology.

has done what Alice Dreger?

1) DSD is defined as a genetic defect, as opposed to intersexuality, which was not previously considered genetic defect. Dreger has recommended doctors intersexuality replaced by DSD, as that term is accurate. Yes, DSD is more accurate and we are the objectives of that precision.

2) Current research is trying to locate other intersex conditions genetically, more and more American Idol be detected in utero by genetic terms and definitions.

3) For three years she defends a proponent of eugenics (J. Michael Bailey, a man who has a lot to do with intersexuality) Here you can find his article about homosexuals eugenics read

4) DSD allows legally and ethically, standardization and normalization procedures an Kindern vorzunehmen, da eine STÖRUNG gesetzlich ohne Zustimmung des Kindes behandelt werden kann - es ist jetzt eine genetische Störung, dank Alice Dreger.

Würde Dreger den Begriff "Intersexualität" wie im oben genannten Fall benutzten, dann würden wir ihn genau entgegengesetzt verwenden.

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The McDonaldization of Intersexaktivismus

a binarism please, super large
The McDonaldization of Intersexaktivismus
By Curtis E. Hinkle

When I read the following article: not_eradicating_gender I started about consider how many of us marginalized in the intersex community feel ridiculed and excluded groups that speak for us.

Just imagine a world in which the main distribution of individuals would be the size. This would be the first thing would be determined at birth and should appear on the birth certificate.

Just imagine a world where the big men dominated small and it would make a small person very hard to be a large and vice versa. Imagine a world in which medium-sized people could not legally exist without being labeled as a big or small person. Here are the possible solutions in order to grant medium-sized people a civil status in this world: forced starvation or forced feeding, not to have this dreaded ambiguity, as we all know that everyone is indeed a big or small person.

One could perhaps only be a great person was born with a defect, which can look a little like a person, or vice versa.

So people can get their big power status, it must schedule all the members legally and socially imposed, so that we all know our place - as small or large person. Here are some consequences of the legally imposed standard:

- Great people can marry only small people, and vice versa.
- Great people claim to have more money, power and prestige.
- Little people have to deal with the everyday needs of large people.
- One can only be a little big for one person, after being diagnosed as mentally disturbed and was force-fed then agreed to be under medical supervision.
- No one can ever be an average sized person. This is illegal. marginalized

A group of people who are middle-sized (group A), feels and decides to fight against the oppression of the two-sizes-system because they see it as oppressive feel and imposed upon them unnatural treatments so they fit.

They also feel that their natural size is not recognized and their identities are erased in such a system. They feel that no classifications based on the size of people are needed and only adds to oppression, not only their own but also those of others. You should just be allowed to person and are legally guaranteed rights that everyone else has.

Another group of medium-sized individuals (group B) finds the size based on binary classification to be accurate, because they know that they actually are a large or small person and feel comfortable with this dichotomy well. My question is: Which group of medium sized Excludes people and marginalized the other group?

Next Question: Group B claims that A is a group size society without fighting. Is this really true? No. A group fighting to have any size to have the same rights as everyone, regardless of size for the right of the people. You do not feel that size is something that will just disappear. They feel that it is not something that people against their will should be imposed and with only two choices - large or small. To end the "Grössismus. An argument that is often used to marginalize in binary intersex to International Gender and transgender our community is this: "Many people who are not intersex, identify themselves as Inter Gender. . Many people who are not intersex identify themselves as transgender "

We want to determine the obvious: Many people who are not intersex identify within the binary - this is not something specific to intersex people and makes Binaristen no generally valid Group within the intersex community.

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Hermaphroditic kisses

Hermaphroditic kisses

I look up for the first time
you lower your eyes, the little shy guy
gently smile And you and I take your hand
In my - two hermaphroditic hands

I take you in my arms and press you to me
out the little guy with the porcelain skin
soft as velvet - It causes me chills
And I big girl a beard

I feel you finally fall into my arms
Our two bodies sing in harmony
I put my lips on your
Zwei elektrische Körper - zwei funkelnde Seelen

Ein langer Kuss, einer auf den wir so lange gewartet haben
Zwischen zwei Hermaphroditen die sich endlich finden
Und ich flüstere zärtlich in dein Ohr
Ich liebe die Jungen die Mädchen sind...

Die Mädchen lieben die Jungen sind.