Thursday, November 20, 2008

White Secretion A Week Before Period

IVIM's explanation of the diversity of opinion

IVIM works to be agreed to normalize non-treatment inter-sexual children and adults without to terminate the agreement with the respective inter-sex person.

We reject Consensus statements from all, especially those who are without deputy, intersexed people as equal interest vertreter_innen emerged.

We seek no Einvernehmlichkeitsbekundungen, for inter-sex people differ in terms of:
  • the exact definition of intersex
  • what treatment measures for all intersexed people would fit equally
  • which gender assignments, if any, for the variety of all Intergeschlechtlichkeitsvariationen match would
  • disease definitions of our bodies and identities
IVIM is committed to the human rights of individuals are the basis of their sexual variation as intersex. We reject any attempt to all those people is the establishment, treatment and impose terms, do not correspond to their bodies to the current scale of male or female.

consensus statements presuppose that there is unanimity. But we have many different opinions!


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