brought between 1986 and 1990 MGM / United Artists thirteen VHS tapes of LOONEY TUNES out. It had sold consisted of cartoons from the 1940s to 1947, the rights to Warner Bros. to Ted Turner. Turner's empire included, in addition to TBS (Turner Broadcasting System) and MGM / UA, as well as CNN and TNT. For the German market on video if you let this LOONEY TUNES with Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny) und Dieter Kursawe (Daffy Duck) in den Hauptrollen synchronisieren. Für Porky sprach zuerst Fred Maire, später Michael Habeck.
Die meisten Kassetten waren BUGS BUNNY gewidmet. Als erstes erschien "BUGS BUNNY Der Superhase" (April 1986) mit sieben Episoden des frechen Hasen und einer Laufzeit von 53 Minuten. Der damalige Neupreis lag bei sage und schreibe 149 DM. Nach zweijähriger Pause folgten "BUGS BUNNY Superstar" (1988) und "BUGS BUNNY und seine Feinde" (1988). Letztere VHS enthielt u.a. dokumentarisches Material aus dem US-Kinofilm "BUGS BUNNY SUPERSTAR". Im Jahr darauf erschien "BUGS BUNNYs lustige Zauberwelt" (1989) - mit weiterem Dokumaterial - und schließlich "BUGS BUNNY Das größte Bandit ever. "(1990)

From Daffy Duck , whose name in" Daffy Duck "changed, came out 1988 two video cassettes:" Daffy Duck is not to beat "and" Daffy Duck skin on the drum. "contained cartoons present the early hysterical Daffy, who provides energy is replete. Rasend fast image sequences, eg, in" The Upstanding Sitter "and" The Great Piggy Bank Robbery ".
as co-star was Daffy Duck also to the following following cartridges "Porky" to see : "Porky's funny adventure" (1988) and "Porky live dangerously" (1988). Dieter Kursawe spoke for Daffy Duck, Porky Pig for Mayor Fred. A year later, Michael Habeck heard as the voice of Porky. This he had already talked several times, as in the theatrical synchronization of "Bugs Bunny's wild audacious hunt". "Porky goes to war in 1989, appeared" Porky - Crazy Times "in 1990.
appeared In 1990 two video cassettes Tweety & Sylvester . said during 1988 (Bugs Bunny and his enemies) Sabine Bohlmann, the German voice of Lisa Simpson, for Tweety, MGM brought out in 1990 the same cartoon (I Taw A Putty Tat) in a new version dubbed with other voices. This speaker can be heard on all MGM Tweety cartoons. This must have been with the second sound version could possibly an oversight, as there are on the Bugs Bunny -VHS of 1990 (the biggest rascal of all time), two re-releases. This remained unchanged. Overall, only four different Tweety cartoons on the MGM videos can be found. With the exception of a cartoon by Tex Avery (MGM) was filled to the cassette with the adventures of the little black warrior Inki .
The Inki episodes were not synchronized. Of his five attempts, the Minah Bird catch, three appeared on the Videos von MGM/UA.

BUGS BUNNY Der Superhase (1986)
(Best.-Nr. 31814) MGM/UA, 53 min
1. Hold The Lion, Please (BB)
2. Buckaroo Bugs (BB)
3. Racketeer Rabbit (BB)
4. Super-Rabbit (BB)
5. Acrobatty Bunny (BB)
6. Rabbit Punch (BB)
7. Rhapsody Rabbit (BB)
Sprecher: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny),
Gernot Duda (off), Willi Röbke

DUFFY DUCK ist nicht zu schlagen (1988)
(Best.-Nr. 31820) MGM/UA, 30 min
1. Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur
2. The Up-Standing Sitter
3. The Wise Quacking Duck
4th What Makes Daffy Duck
Speaker: Dieter Kursawe (Daffy Duck)

DUFFY DUCK bangs the drum (1988)
(Order No. 31 821) MGM / UA, 30 min
first Is not That Ducky
second The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
third Daffy Duck Slept Here
4th Hollywood Daffy
Speaker: Dieter Kursawe (Daffy Duck),
Fred Maire (Porky), Sabine Bohlmann, Willi Röbke

Porky funny adventure (1988)
(Order No. 31 822) MGM / UA, 30 min
first Daffy Doodles
second Duck Soup To Nuts
third My Favorite Duck
4th One Meat Brawl
Speaker: Fred Maire (Porky), Dieter Kursawe (Daffy)

Porky lives dangerously (1988)
(Order No. 31 823) MGM / UA, 30 min
first Tick \u200b\u200bTock Tuckered
second Tom Turk And Daffy
third Baby Bottleneck
4th Wagon Heels
spokesman Fred Maire (Porky), Dieter Kursawe (Daffy), Willi Röbke

BUGS BUNNY Superstar (1988)
(Order No. 31 824) MGM / UA, 30 min
What's Cookin ', Doc? Hair Raising Hare
The Old Grey Hare +
documentary material from BUGS BUNNY SUPERSTAR
Speaker: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Christian Wolff, Willi Röbke

BUGS BUNNY und seine Feinde (1988)
(Best.-Nr. 31826) MGM/UA, 30 min
A Corny Concerto
I Taw A Puty Tat (Tweety)
The Wild Hare (BB)
Walky Talky Hawky (Foghorn)
+ Dokumaterial aus BUGS BUNNY SUPERSTAR
Sprecher: Christian Wolff (off), Sabine Bohlmann (Tweety),
Willi Röbke (Elmer), Gerd Vespermann (Bugs)

SCHWEINCHEN DICK zieht in den Krieg (1989)
(Best.-Nr. 31829) MGM/UA, 27 min
Brother Brat (15.07.1944)
Kitty Kornered (08.06.1946)
Mouse Menace (02.11.1946)
My Little Buckaroo (29/01/1938)
Speaker: Michael Habeck (Porky)

Bugs Bunny funny magic world (1989)
(Order No. 31 831) MGM / UA, 30 min
Slick Hare ( 11/01/1947)
Stage Door Cartoon (12/30/1944)
The Unruly Rabbit (10/02/1945)
Wabbit Twouble (12/20/1941)
Speaker: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Willi Röbke, Christian Wolff

BUGS BUNNY The biggest rascal in the world (1990)
(Order No. 31 834) MGM / UA, 31 min
The Wild Hare (Bugs Bunny) The Old Grey Hare
(Bugs Bunny)
The Big Snooze ( Bugs Bunny)
The Lonesome Stranger (MGM)
Sprecher: Gerd Vespermann (Bugs Bunny), Willi Röbke

TWEETY & SYLVESTER Sein bester Freund (1990)
(Best.-Nr. 31835) MGM/UA, 30 min
Tweetie Pie (Tweety/Sylvester, 03.05.1947)
A Gruesome Twosome (Tweety, 09.06.1945)
The Little Lion Hunter (Inki, 07.10.1939)
Little Rural Riding Hood (Non-Warner: MGM/Tex Avery)
Sprecher (MGM-Cartoon): Michael Gahr, Michael Rüth, Sabine Bohlmann

SCHWEINCHEN DICK Verrückte Zeiten (1990)
(Best.-Nr. 31837) MGM/UA, 30 min
Old Glory (Porky, 01/07/1939)
Swoon Crooner (Porky, 06/05/1944)
Trap Happy Porky (Porky, 24/02/1945)
Nothing But The Tooth (Porky, 01/05/1948)
Speaker: Michael Habeck (Porky) , Christian Wolff

TWEETY & SYLVESTER Tweety makes fat booty (1990)
(Order No. 31 840) MGM / UA, 30 min
I Taw A Putty Tat (Tweety)
Birdy And The Beast (Tweety)
Inki At The Circus (Inki) Original version
Inki And The Minah Bird (Inki) Original version
Some MGM/UA- Looney Tunes -VHS is also available in a version of the label Europe. Changed were only the cover. Below the new part numbers found in each case the date in parentheses. For the smaller envelopes, transparent boxes were used. For MGM / UA, it was big black boxes embossed on the inside. More Info
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