Einzelcartoon-Vergleich ZDF/Pro7-Version / Original
(Originallänge: 6:04 Min NTSC-DVD)

Daffy Duck und Bugs Bunny wollen an den Strand und landen stattdessen mitten im Himalaja. Dort freut sich der Schneemensch auf sein Häschen, that he will call George, embrace it and press, etc. Unfortunately, he always catches Daffy instead of the real bugs bunny.

Again, this cartoon is in full principle. It only lacks the insertion of a shield with Asian characters, which turned in to illustrate the words "Beware the Abominable Snow-Man" (Beware the abominable snow man). The Snowman Gernot Duda lent his voice.

Missing Pieces:
bias plus credits (32 sec)
average 1:37 to 1:43 (6 sec)
credit (8 sec)
"The Abominable Snow Rabbit "was also part of" Daffy Duck Quack Busters. "There is an additional video version with hamburger sound and a DVD re-synchronization. As a single cartoon is" The Abominable Snow Rabbit "as" the hare "on the VHS" Bugs & ;. Daffy - go to the duck, finished "(Order 15 265) appeared, it said Sven Plate and Gerald Schaale
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