operates Since 2006, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna, the most spectacular production platform for the Romanian jazz. As part of the concerts and subsequent jam session and the annual Festival for over 110 hotROMania Romanian jazz artist, but also other known genre sizes from around the world have occurred. These events, cooperation of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna with the ORF and the jazz club Porgy & Bess europaweit eines der wichtigsten seiner Art, haben sich schon in das Gedächtnis des Wiener Publikums gebrannt und geben dem Institut Wiederkennungswert.
Ab heuer bietet das Rumänische Kulturinstitut Wien dem rumänischen Jazz als Premiere auch eine mediatische Plattform an – den eigens zu diesem Zweck eingerichteten Blog http://startjamming.blogspot.com/ Dieser Blog soll den rumänischen Musikern den zeitnahen Zugriff auf die neuesten Informationen aus der Welt des Jazz ermöglichen, Kooperationen fördern und neueste musikalische Projekte aufstöbern. Das Rumänische Kulturinstitut Wien ist überzeugt, dass sich im virtuellen Raum schnell ein funktionierendes Netzwerk entwickeln wird, dass ein Bild der rumänischen breitgefächertes Jazzszene vermittelt.
Since 2006, ICR Vienna started the most spectacular platform to promote Romanian jazz. Performances followed by jam-sessions monthly and annual jazz festival hotROMania gathered in Vienna over 110 Romanian musicians by gender, but also their colleagues from all over the world. Vienna ICR programs organized in collaboration with ORF Austrian Broadcasting and club Porgy & Bess Vienna, currently considered one of the most important at European level, have become a constant in the Austrian public mind and also a brand ICR of Vienna.
Since 2006, ICR Vienna started the most spectacular platform to promote Romanian jazz. Performances followed by jam-sessions monthly and annual jazz festival hotROMania gathered in Vienna over 110 Romanian musicians by gender, but also their colleagues from all over the world. Vienna ICR programs organized in collaboration with ORF Austrian Broadcasting and club Porgy & Bess Vienna, currently considered one of the most important at European level, have become a constant in the Austrian public mind and also a brand ICR of Vienna.
This year, ICR initiate Vienna - the first time - and a media platform for the Romanian jazz form of a blog dedicated http://startjamming.blogspot.com/ idea of \u200b\u200bthis blog is to mediate the Romanian musicians Jazz quickly access the latest information from jazz, to encourage potential partnerships and identify new musical projects. RCI meeting in Vienna is convinced that cyberspace will quickly generate a working network and a strong image of the Romanian jazz scene.
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